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Birthday Parties

LEGO MANIA (5 years & over)

SPORTS SIZZLER (3 - 14 years)

LINC BIRTHDAYS (8 years & over)

Let’s celebrate! Create lego mas- terpieces, take part in building challenges and play original Lego games. We offer one-hour of instructor led activities and then leave you to enjoy the party room for the rest of your festivities. No party February 19. Saturdays starting January 15

This party will leave you feeling breathless and is a great option for active kids. You’ll have lots of fun in this special edition of birth- day celebrations! We offer one- hour of instructor led sports and/ or free play in the gym for plasma car races and more! Afterwards, enjoy one-hour in our party room for your own treats and trim- mings. No party February 20 .

Register for an original birthday party package. We organize the games, provide supervision, and clean up! Variety of themes avail- able: dodgeball, skatepark, gam- ing, make & take (tie-dye or slime), pizza and more! See page 46 for more info!

11:30 am - 1:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B

Sundays starting January 16 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Lewis Multipurpose Hall

Special Interest MAD SCIENTISTS (6 - 11 years) Get ready for hands-on experi - ments, crazy concoctions, and sci- ence explorations. What creations and reactions will we create? #9025 Thursdays January 27 - March 17 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $75/8 HOME ALONE (10 - 12 years) The Canadian Safety Council’s Home Alone program is designed to provide and prepare children with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and respon- sible when home alone. Topics include establishing a routine, dealing with strangers, telephone safety, emergencies, basic first aid, internet safety and more. A student reference book and cer- tificate of completion are included.

STEM KIDS (7 - 10 years)

Bring your creativity and curiosity and get ready to explore. We will delve into all that is STEM (sci- ence, technology, engineering and math) through games, building challenges, cool experiments and more! Rockets, robots, reactions - this camp will be RAD! #9026 Tuesdays February 1 - March 1 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $65/5 PIANO ADVENTURES (5 - 11 years) Music makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. Small group classes study the basics of music, then you can choose more! Books cost $40 at the first lesson. This class is suitable for beginners. A piano or keyboard is recommend- ed for practicing at home. Instructor: Debbie Ross Wednesdays January 5 - March 23 #8986 3:30 - 4:30 pm (5 - 7 years) #8987 5:00 - 6:00 pm (8 - 11 years) Lewis Tsolum Building $144/12

CANADIAN RED CROSS BABYSITTING (11 - 18 years) Join us for this fun, informative course as we cover important information to help prepare you to be a babysitter! Topics include: managing challenging behaviors, leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter, first aid, managing risks and emergencies, child development, how to feed, diaper, dress and play with chil- dren and babies and starting your babysitting business. Instructor: Kathryn Vandervoort Saturday & Sunday


#9023 January 22 & 23 #9024 March 12 & 13

10:00 am - 3:00 pm Filberg Rotary Hall $69/2

Register ONLINE at For updates & schedule changes, go to

#9020 Saturday January 15 #9021 Saturday February 12 #9022 Saturday March 19

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Filberg Rotary Hall $30


COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |

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