courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
CLAY SCULPTING (7 - 10 years) Arts & Crafts Explore clay through a variety of techniques and projects such as pinch pots, coil-throwing, and mask-making. No class February 21. Instructor: Jenja McIntyre Mondays 3:00 - 4:30 pm (7 - 10 years) #9016 January 10 - 31 #9018 February 7 - March 7 5:00 - 6:30 pm (10 - 13 years) #9017 January 10 - 31 #9019 February 7 - March 7 Lewis Craft Room B $149/4 Delight in your diva senses as we create all things girly: lip gloss, bath bombs, jewelery, hair ac- cessories and more! Grab your friends and join the fun. #9086 Thursdays January 13 - February 10 3:30 - 4:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $45/5 DIVA DELIGHTS (7 - 10 years)
OOOEY GOOEY ART (6 - 9 years) Get ready to delve into messy masterpieces, slippery slimes, and crazy concoctions. Through differ - ent mediums and materials we’ll get your creative juices flowing and together will complete special activities each week. Wednesdays #9027 January 12 - February 9 #9028 February 16 - March 16 4:00 - 5:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $45/5 Join us for a special art project each week that is adaptable to all ages and skill levels. Get the whole gang together to explore different art materials and spend time creating memories in a fun, recreational environment. Thursdays January 13 - March 17 6:00 - 7:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $5/family FAMILY ART NIGHT (all ages with an adult)
ART-VENTURE JR (5 - 8 years)
DRAWING & PAINTING - BACK TO BASICS (8 - 13 years) Practice basic drawing & painting techniques through a variety of different exercises with Disney Cartoonist, David Thrasher. Use bold & beautiful colours to draw imaginative one-of-a-kind projects with success! Learn quick and easy techniques to draw something new and different each week. No class February 19. Instructor: David Thrasher #9075 Saturday January 15 - March 19 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Craft Room A $75/9 Let’s go on an art-venture! Discov- er how much fun it is to create art. Draw, paint, design, string togeth- er and splash with colour in this play-based learning environment. #9085 Mondays January 17 - February 7 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4
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