courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
School’s Out WINTER BREAK CAMP (5 - 12 years) Embrace the holiday season and play the day away! Active games, arts and crafts, and lots more will provide you with a sleigh of fun. Please bring your lunch. No class December 27 or 28. #8426 Monday - Thursday
NEW YEARS FINALE (6 - 12 years) Let’s get the party started ear- ly! Join us for fun party games, snacks, crafts and more as we gear up to celebrate the end of 2021 and the start of a new year. #8447 Friday December 31 SPRING BREAK GYMNASTICS CAMP (8 - 12 years) Whether you’re a beginner or a more accomplished gymnast, you’ll have a great time! Learn new skills, and develop your strength, flexibility, balance, and more, as we work out on all apparatuses. Daily challenges and progressions will be set to your individual levels. #9178 Monday - Friday SB 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $25
PRO D DAY: EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO DO (5 - 12 years) Get ready for an action packed day! Participate in wild games, wonderful crafts and messy activi- ties. Your will have a ball and we’ll clean up the mess. Please wear clothes okay to get messy in! #9015 Friday February 18 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Lewis Salish Building $49
December 20 - 30 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $40/day
SPRING BREAK DAY CAMP (5 - 12 years)
HOLIDAY HOOPLA (6 - 12 years)
Do it all during these lively days of Spring Break. Games, sports, brain-teasers, arts & crafts, and more will keep you entertained all day long. #9039 March 21 - April 1
Gear up for the holiday season with festive fun, creative crafts, active play and lots of fun! Please bring your lunch. #8425 Friday December 24
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $25
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $40/day
March 21 - 25 1:30 - 3:00 pm Lewis Gymnasium $75/5
programs on page 46. SB
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