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Full Body Pilates - C 16 years & up
Pilates is an innovative system of safe, effective exercises that focuses on core strength, joint mobility and mitigates aches and pains in the body. Get ready to tone, lengthen and strengthen your muscles, while improving your posture, balance, ʴH[LELOLW\ FRRUGLQDWLRQ DQG PRUH All levels welcome. Instructor: Kerry Heming Location: Room B Mon | 10:45 - 11:45 am #18012 |Apr 7-May12 | $60 + gst #18013 | May 26 - Jun 30 | $72 + gst alignment and calm your nervous system in this feel-good stretch class. Begin with a sequence of exercises that get your joints moving. Then hold long stretches, which lengthen muscles and release tension. Get ready to stand taller. Instructor: Kerry Heming Location: Room B Tue | 10:30 - 11:30 am #18000 | Apr 1 - May 13 | $84 + gst #18001 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $72 + gst Location: MP Hall 2 #18002 | Jul 8 - Aug 5 | $60 + gst Gentle Somatic Movement - C 16 years & up 'LVFRYHU WKH WKHUDSHXWLF EHQHʳWV stress. Through slow, intentional movements and breath awareness, LPSURYH ʴH[LELOLW\ FRRUGLQDWLRQ and body awareness. For all levels. Instructor: Carolyn Pigott Location: Room C Tue | 1:00 - 2:30 pm #18069 | Apr 1 - Jun 24 | $249 + gst of gentle somatic movement, a mindful practice designed to release chronic pain and Pilates Mobility & Stretch - C 16 years & up ,PSURYH \RXU ʴH[LELOLW\ DQG
Pilates Barre Burn - C 16 years & up
Yoga cont’d Restorative Yoga Therapy - C 16 years & up Discover healing and joy as you explore gentle, mindful movement. You’ll develop body awareness, re-pattern movement habits, and calm your nervous system to address pain and dysfunction. Learn to recognize your body’s signals, optimize movement, and build HQHUJ\ UHVHUYHV -RLQ D FHUWLʳHG Yoga Therapist for a transformative four-week session. Instructor: Julie Cook Location: Room C Mon | 7:30 - 8:45 pm #18086 |Apr 7-May5 | $100 + gst Location: Room B Tue | 4:30 - 5:45 pm #18087 | Apr 1 - 22 | $100 + gst Location: Room A Wed | 12:45 - 2:00 pm #18085 | Apr 3 - 23 | $100 + gst Pilates Tone & ,PSURYH \RXU VWUHQJWK ʴH[LELOLW\ and alignment in this gentle yet challenging Pilates class. We’ll begin with a series of exercises that strengthen your core, build heat in your body and mobilize your joints. We’ll then move into some deeper stretches that elongate your muscles and release tension in your body. No session Jul 23. Instructor: Kerry Heming Location: Room C Wed | 12:15 - 1:15 pm #18009 | Apr 2 - May 14 | $84 + gst #18010 | May 21 - Jun 25 | $72 + gst Location: Room B #18011 | Jul 2 - Aug 6 | $72 + gst Stretch - C 16 years & up
This challenging class will combine the precision and control of Pilates with the strength and endurance of Barre to give you a full-body burning workout! Improve your ʴH[LELOLW\ VWDELOLW\ EDODQFH DQG DOLJQPHQW ZKLOH UHGHʳQLQJ \RXU core and toning all of your muscles. Set to upbeat music and is the perfect opportunity to take your ʳWQHVV URXWLQH WR WKH QH[W OHYHO Instructor: Kerry Heming Location: Room B Fri | 10:30 - 11:30 am #18003 | Apr 4 - May 16 | $72 + gst #18004 | May 23 - Jun 27 | $72 + gst Location: MP Hall #18005 | Jul 4 - Aug 8 | $72 + gst Pilates Barre Express - C 16 years & up This class combines the precision and control of Pilates with the strength and balance elements of Barre to give you a full-body sculpting workout! Improve your EDODQFH DQG ʴH[LELOLW\ ZKLOH developing deep core strength in this fun & uplifting class. All levels welcome. No session Jul 23. Instructor: Kerry Heming Location: Room C Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm #18006 | Apr 2 - May 14 | $84 + gst #18007 | May 21 - Jun 25 | $72 + gst Location: Room B #18008 | Jul 2 - Aug 6 | $60 + gst
Comox Yoga
COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation
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