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Pilates 16 years & up Pilates is a low impact workout effective at strengthening, lengthening, and toning the muscles through repetitive and controlled movements. Its trains the body as an integrated whole while focusing on the core, improving ʴH[LELOLW\ SRVWXUH DQG LQFUHDVH joint range of motion. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room B Thu | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #17707 | Apr 3 - Jun 26 | $104 + gst Intermediate Pilates The class may use dynamic and HQHUJL]LQJ ʴRZV DQG ZLOO LQFOXGH a variety of props. Previous Pilates class experience recommended. Thu | 6:45 - 7:45 pm #17706 | Apr 3 - Jun 26 | $104 + gst Barre Express - C 16 years & up Strengthen, lengthen and transform your body in this fun & effective ballet-inspired workout. In just 45 minutes you will condition your FRUH ʳUH XS \RXU PXVFOHV DQG increase your endurance. Get ready WR LPSURYH \RXU EDODQFH ʴH[LELOLW\ and alignment. Leave feeling energized and ready to take on the rest of your day! Instructor: Kerry Heming Location: Room B Tue | 11:45 am - 12:30 pm #18074 | Apr 1 - May 13 | $84 + gst #18075 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $72 + gst Location: MP Hall 2 #18076 | Jul 8 - Aug 5 | $48 + gst We encourage you to bring your own yoga props; however, we have mats, blocks and bolsters to borrow in most yoga classes.
Outdoor Pilates - Yoga Flow 16 years & up
Yoga cont’d Rise & Glow Pilates - Yoga Flow 16 years & up
Comox Yoga
Enjoy a pleasing sequence that incorporates key principles from both Yoga and Pilates. Expect a full body workout that challenges your core strength and increases your PXVFXODU HQGXUDQFH ʴH[LELOLW\ DQG balance. Finish each class with a soothing stretch. You’ll leave feeling energized, yet relaxed. Instructor: Suzy Williamson Location: Anderton Park Tue | 8:45 - 9:45 am #18067 | Jul 15 - Aug 19 | $72 + gst Build strength and tone your core PXVFOHV ZKLOH LPSURYLQJ ʴH[LELOLW\ and creating harmony in the body for stress reduction. This fusion is the best of both disciplines. Pilates exercises and yoga poses will give you a full body workout with focus on proper movement. Each class ends with soothing relaxation. All levels welcome. No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room B Mon | 9:00 - 10:15 am #17708 |Apr 7-Jun 23 | $80 + gst Location: Room C Tue | 6:45 - 7:45 pm #17710 | Apr 1 - Jun 24 | $104 + gst Pilates Yoga Fusion 16 years & up
Are you an early-riser who’d like to start the day with joint friendly, core strengthening and spine nurturing exercises that DOVR HQKDQFH \RXU ʴH[LELOLW\ coordination and balance? Energize your morning and wake up your muscles. Finish the session with a guided mindful relaxation. No session Apr 18. Instructor: Suzy Williamson Location: Room B Fri | 7:30 - 8:30 am #18063 | Apr 4 - May 9 | $60 + gst #18064 | May 16 - Jun 20 | $72 + gst Enjoy a pleasing sequence that incorporates key principles from both Yoga and Pilates. Expect a full-body workout that challenges your core strength and increases \RXU PXVFXODU HQGXUDQFH ʴH[LELOLW\ and balance. Finish each class with a soothing stretch. Leave feeling energized yet relaxed. No session Apr 18. Instructor: Suzy Williamson Location: Room B Fri | 9:00 - 10:00 am #18065 | Apr 4 - May 9 | $60 + gst #18066 | May 16 - Jun 20 | $72 + gst Pilates - Yoga Flow 16 years & up
COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation
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