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Gwen’s Hatha Yoga 16 years & up Blend breath with poses that provide insight into body awareness and alignment. Increase physical strength, balance, focus and ʴH[LELOLW\ ZKLOH UHOLHYLQJ VWUHVV DQG tension in the body. A relaxing way to end your week. No session Apr 18. Instructor: Gwen Frankowski Location: Room B Fri | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #17659 | Apr 4 - Jun 27 | $96 + gst Gwen’s Yoga Flow 16 years & up Flow through poses that unite breath with movement to improve RYHUDOO VWUHQJWK EDODQFH ʴH[LELOLW\ and focus. Regular practice will help to identify areas of tightness, muscle imbalance and provide a renewed awareness of body alignment. Leave energized, revitalized, refreshed, and relaxed. Instructor: Gwen Frankowski Location: Room B Wed | 9:30 - 10:30 am #17660 | Apr 2 - Jun 25 | $104 + gst Sat | 10:30 - 11:30 am #17661 | Apr 5 - Jun 28 | $104 + gst A fun combination of strength & core made even better with yoga! See improved strength, balance, body awareness, alignment and ʴH[LELOLW\ 7KH FODVV HQGV ZLWK a deep relaxing and restorative rest. Equipment use may include; weights, balls, sliders and bands. No session Apr 18. Instructor: Gwen Frankowski Location: MP Hall Fri | 1:15 - 2:15 pm #17662 | Apr 4 - Jun 27 | $96 + gst Gwen’s Yoga Strength & Core 16 years & up
Gentle Yoga with Katherine 16 years & up
Gentle Pilates-Yoga Fusion 16 years & up Feel fantastic with a class that blends the best of Yoga and Pilates, resulting in a stronger core, LPSURYHG EDODQFH DQG ʴH[LELOLW\ and an understanding of how to use your breath and movement to calm your mind and increase your well-being. Instructor: Suzy Williamson Location: Room C Wed | 4:00 - 5:00 pm #18059 | Apr 2 - May 7 | $72 + gst #18060 | May 14 - Jun 18 | $72 + gst Thu | 11:30 am - 12:30 pm #18061 | Apr 3 - May 8 | $72 + gst #18062 | May 15 - Jun 19 | $72 + gst Location: MP Hall Wed | 4:00 - 5:00 pm #18068 | Jul 16 - Aug 20 | $72 + gst Did you know you can drop-in to our yoga classes when space permits? Glenny, Gwen, Kelly, Katherine, Laura & Suzy - $10 Kerry - $14 Birgit & Tanya - $15 Karen - $17 Caroline - $20 Julie - $30
Gentle yoga for all bodies! Enjoy a class designed to calm your central nervous system and promote wellness through gentle movement combined with breath awareness. Build your resilience and increase \RXU ERG\ FRQʳGHQFH DQG PRELOLW\ Instructor: Katherine Andrews Location: Room C Tue | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #17677 | Apr 15 - Jun 17 | $100 + gst Location: Room A Thu | 5:45 - 6:45 pm #17679 | Apr 3 - Jun 19 | $100 + gst
Comox Yoga
Pilates Primer Plus 16 years & up Discover how Pilates can help strengthen your core, improve
EDODQFH DQG HQKDQFH ʴH[LELOLW\ 3OXV enjoy relaxation and stretching. No experience necessary. Instructor: Suzy Williamson Location: Room C Tue | 11:00 - 12:00 pm #18057 | Apr 1 - May 6 | $72 + gst #18058 | May 13 - Jun 17 | $72 + gst
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