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Yoga Barre 16 years & up

Barre is a fusion of Pilates, yoga and ballet. Barre engages muscles you would not normally target - the ones deep inside your body that squats, lunges and sit-ups alone just can’t reach. With high-reps and low-impact movements, barre challenges anyone looking to ʳQH WXQH WKHLU PXVFOHV QR EDOOHW or experience required. Beginners welcome. Bring your own mat if you have one. Chairs may be used in place of a bar. No sessions Apr 21 & May 19. Instructor: Deborah Rogers Location: Room C Mon | 11:00 - 11:45 am #17602 | Mar 31 - Jun 23 | $88 + gst Wed | 11:00 - 11:45 am #17603 | Apr 2 - Jun 25 | $104 + gst Gentle Hatha & Yoga Nidra with Kelly 16 years & up Beginner friendly, gentle movements, breath connections and stillness will release stiff joints, and lengthen muscles. Transition slowly between seated, standing and reclined postures. Finish with a guided sleep meditation to release tension from mind and body. All levels welcome. Instructor: Kelly Yaskiw Location: Room B Thu | 9:15 - 10:30 am #17816 | Apr 10 - Jun 5 | $90 + gst (QMR\ D VORZ DQG JHQWOH \RJD ʴRZ combining basic yoga poses to feel VWURQJHU PRUH ʴH[LEOH EDODQFHG and relaxed. Perfect for the beginner or those desiring a gentler practice. Instructor: Gwen Frankowski Location: Room B Wed | 10:45 - 11:45 am #17658 | Apr 2 - Jun 25 | $104 + gst Gwen’s Gentle Yoga Flow 16 years & up

Outdoor Strength & Fitness - C 35 years & up Looking for a women’s centered ʳWQHVV FODVV WKDW XWLOL]HV RXU incredible local green spaces to UHFHLYH WKH KHDOWK EHQHʳWV WKDW come from movement in nature? With a specialization in coaching women through the mid-life transition join coach Tina as she takes you through a total body strength workout, focusing on joint mobility, stabilization, and functional movement patterns. Instructor: Tina Wilson Location: Various Comox Parks Rising Strong Tue | 7:00 - 8:00 am #17689 | Apr 1 - May 13 | $98 + gst #17690 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $84 + gst #17692 | Jul 15 - Aug 19 | $84 + gst Thu | 7:00 - 8:00 am #17688 | Apr 3 - May 15 | $98 + gst #17691 | May 22 - Jun 26 | $84 + gst #17693 | Jul 10 - Aug 14 | $84 + gst Stronger Together Tue | 9:00 - 10:00 am #17694 | Apr 1 - May 13 | $98 + gst #17696 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $84 + gst #17698 | Jul 15 - Aug 19 | $84 + gst Thu | 9:00 - 10:00 am #17695 | Apr 3 - May 15 | $98 + gst #17697 | May 22 - Jun 26 | $84 + gst #17699 | Jul 10 - Aug 14 | $84 + gst

Fitness cont’d Core & Strength for Peri/ Menopause - C 35 - 65 years Level 1 Join a kinesiologist to build strength and stability as you head into Perimenopause/ Menopause. Kim will guide you through a progressive tailored program, starting with core/hip stability and working up to safe weight lifting with good form. Starting now is vital to maintain bone density and bolster the body during these hormonal changes. Instructor: Kim Jaccard Location: Origin Integrated Health Tue | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #18015 | Apr 1 - May 6 | $180 + gst #18016 | May 20 - Jun 24 | $180 + gst Level 2 Take the next step towards building strength for perimenopause/ menopause. With your foundation from Level 1, learn how to build muscle and strong bones, and better manage the changes that take place during this phase of life. Must have taken Level 1 to join. Thu | 6:00 - 7:00 pm #18017 | Apr 3 - May 8 | $198 + gst

Comox Fitness & Yoga


COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/recreation

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