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Determination Bootcamp - C 16 years & up

Abs & Stretch - C 16 years & up A perfect combination of abdominal exercises and lower extremity stretches. This class is designed to promote strength and stability in the musculature that supports the spine. Tighten the tummy, increase ʴH[LELOLW\ DQG SRVVLEO\ KHOS WKDW low back issue you may have. Intermediate level class. Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Tue | 9:00 - 10:00 am #17718 | May 13 - Aug 12 | $200 + gst Core and strength training with functional movement exercises. Prerequisite: must be able to get GRZQ DQG XS IURP WKH ʴRRU Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Thu | 10:30 - 11:30 am #17719 | May 8 - Jul 31 | $186 + gst Steve Thomson refund policy: No withdrawals or refunds after the session starts unless due to injury or illness. A doctors note will be required. Core Plus - C 50 years & up

Osteoporosis Fit - C 50 years & up

Build your muscles and bones! Join “Bone Fit” trained Kinesiologist for this full body strengthening series with a focus on safe movement mechanics for preventing fragility fractures. If you have osteoporosis or osteopenia, this class is for you! Instructor: Stephanie Devonshire Location: Origin Integrated Health Thu | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #18014 | Apr 3 - May 8 | $198 + gst Join Registered Kinesiologist for a talk on preventing falls on. Topics discussed include age related changes in the body, risk factors as we age, the dangers of falls, and the preventative intervention of exercise therapy. This workshop will also offer the option of assessing individual balance and lower extremity strength. Instructor: Stephanie Devonshire Location: Origin Integrated Health Thu | 12:00 - 12:45 pm #18018 | May 22 | $25 + gst Falls Prevention Workshop - C 18 years & up

RIP it up! Train like an athlete! Be ready for a challenge in the LQWHQVH \HW IXQ ʳOHG LQGRRU RXWGRRU H[HUFLVH SURJUDP %ULQJ \RXU ʳWQHVV to a new level. Resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning, body weight exercises, partner drills, core strength and much more will be addressed in this well-developed bootcamp. Please do not register for this class if you have unresolved back issues. No sessions May 19, Jul 1 & Aug 4. Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Mon & Wed | 5:15 - 6:15 pm 1 x week #17712 | May 12 - Jul 7 | $160 + gst #17714 | Jul 14 - Aug 25 | $120 + gst 2 x Week #17713 | May 12 - Jul 9 | $340 + gst #17715 | Jul 14 - Aug 27 | $260 + gst

Comox Fitness

Early Riser Tue & Thu | 6:15 - 7:15 am 1x week

#17869 | May 13 - Jul 10 | $160 + gst #17870 | Jul 15 - Aug 21 | $120 + gst 2x week #17716 | May 13 - Jul 10 | $340 + gst #17717 | Jul 15 - Aug 21 | $240 + gst

Determination Core Cardio FitCamp - C 16 years & up

A high intensity intermediate level class designed to tighten the abs and carve curves. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) combined with core work to leave you sweaty and sculpted! Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Fri | 7:30 - 8:30 am #17720 | May 9 - Aug 1 | $200 + gst



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