Fall Recreation guide 2

Butts, Guts & Biceps Advanced 16 years & up Every week will be something different in this total body class. Classes will incorporate strength training along with cardio conditioning using a variety of equipment and body weight exercises. Leave sweaty and energized for the day. Previous exercise experienced recommended. No sessions Sep 21, Oct 3, 5, 10, 12 & Nov 16. $192 + gst Gyrokinesis® 14 years & up Explore movement sequences within you through Gyrokinesis®. The Gyrokinesis® method addresses the entire body; opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. It is an original and unique method that coordinates movement, breath and mental focus. This method is practiced on a mat and stool without equipment. Instructor: Bonnie McKerricher Tuesdays 6:15 - 7:15 pm Room B Sep 19 - Nov 28 #13740 $143 + gst Instructor: Paula Dickie Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 - 10:00 am Gym A #13249 Sep 12 - Dec 14

Introduction to Foam Rolling 14 years & up Using a foam roller can look like child’s play but utilizing it correctly is the key to getting great results! Roll your way to better posture, greater flexibility and total relaxation. Keep your muscles supple by promoting blood flow and increasing circulation for improved fitness functionality and myofascial release. All fitness levels welcome. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm Room B Sep 20 - Sep 27 #13785 $30 + gst It is never too late to strengthen and repair your body after giving birth. Strengthen your postpartum body, while improving posture, healing your core & reconnecting to your pelvic floor. You are welcome to bring your baby (pre-mobile for safety reasons). You should no longer have any postpartum bleeding and let fatigue be your guide. If baby was born via C-section please join us after week 6 postpartum. No sessions Sep 22 & Oct 20. Instructor: Laurel Dickson Fridays 10:30 - 11:30 am MP Hall Sep 15 - Dec 15 #13719 $96 + gst Postpartum Fitness Class 16 years & up

Postpartum Fitness Class Level 2 16 years & up This 45 min Level 2 postpartum class is great for those looking to build off of Level 1, or have been back exercising for a while after birth. We focus on strengthening the core and pelvic floor, as well as improving strength, posture and mobility. Bring along your pre mobile baby or take advantage of our childcare! No session Sep 20. Instructor: Laurel Dickson Wednesdays 9:15 - 10:00 am Gym B Sep 13 - Dec 13 #13720 $89 + gst AIMS for a Healthier You - Workshop & Accountability Series 18 years & up Learn how to integrate goals into your life in a practical and sustainable way using the goal setting template AIMS = Actions, Intensions, Motivations & Systems. Work in breakout groups, follow along with an established template, receive support from the instructor and peers. Leave with a plan to integrate AIMS into your life. Follow up with the Accountability Series to put your plan into action and be held accountable! Discuss how your action plan is working, receive moral support and instructor feedback to help keep you on track and make your goals habits! Instructor: Ryan Murphy Thursday 10:15 am - 1:15 pm Room B Sep 21 #13616 Oct 26 #13618 $40 + gst Accountability Series Thursdays 10:15 - 11:00 am Room B Sep 28 - Oct 19 #13617 Nov 2 - Nov 23 #13619 $45 + gst




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