Courtenay Rec pages.pdf

Courtenay Adult - Spring/Summer

Plein Air Painting in Watercolour Let’s paint outdoors! Each ses sion starts with an easy to follow demonstration on an import ant aspect of plein air painting, including getting the drawing down, steps to a great painting using watercolour, following the lights, atmospheric perspective and capturing the feel of the landscape. Please be comfort able walking small distances to ȴQG JUHDW YLHZV Instructor: Teresa Knight #15622 Wednesdays July 9 - August 13 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lower Native Son’s Hall $114/6 Make & Take and explore the wonderful world of Aromather apy with Deanna Papineau RA, a local registered aromathera pist. We will create an aromatic spray to bring joy. Topics include essential oil safety, chemistry, blending, creating and fun. Instructor: Deanna Papineau #15777 Thursday May 8 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $49 Aromatherapy for Mother’s Day

Aromatherapy Informative Workshop This class is a fun and interactive introduction to Aromatherapy. Topics include: daily aromather apy, safety, and the what, how, why & when to use essential oils. Taught by Deanna Papineau, EOT Registered Aromatherapist. Instructor: Deanna Papineau #15776 Thursday June 5 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $49 landscape. Please be comfort able walking small distances to ȴQG JUHDW YLHZV Instructor: Teresa Knight #15913 Tuesdays July 8 - August 12 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lower Native Son’s Hall $114/6 Improv for 55+ -RLQ WKLV IXQ ȴOOHG LPSURY FODVV designed to sharpen your mind, ERRVW \RXU FRQȴGHQFH DQG spark your creativity! Through improv games you’ll enhance quick-thinking skills, stay men tally sharp and enjoy plenty of laughter. No experience neces sary - just bring your sense of humour. Instructor: Connor Ballantine #16534 Fridays April 25 - May 30 1:30 - 3:15 pm Lewis Craft Room B $99/6 Plein Air Painting in Acrylic or Oil Let’s paint outdoors! Each ses sion starts with an easy to follow demonstration on an import ant aspect of plein air painting, including getting the drawing down; steps to a great painting using oils or acrylics; following the lights; atmospheric perspec tive and capturing the feel of the

Aerial Arts: Mixed Levels (Basics - Advanced) In this mixed-level (basics to advanced) class we will focus on skills, technique, strength, endurance, creative movement and much more. We will work towards creating acts to present in our spring show (date tba). #15629 Wednesdays April 2 - June 11 6:00 - 7:30 pm Vern Nichols Gym $450/12 $25 member fee for Circus/Aerial FODVVHV GXH WR LQVWUXFWRU DW ȴUVW FODVV Community Circus 2 (12 years & over) This class has a strong focus on ensemble work, as well as individual skill building. Activities include aerial silks, hoop, rope, juggling, object manipulation, stilting, chair balance and part ner balance, handstands and conditioning, improvisation & performance games. This class is for beginners to pre-profession al circus enthusiasts! No class April 18 . #15630 Fridays April 4 - May 30 6:30 - 8:00 pm Vern Nichols Gym $300/8

See page 135

Program Registration starts Monday March 10


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