Courtenay Rec pages.pdf

Beginner Acrylics This class is for those who are brand new to painting and also those who are new to acrylics. We’ll cover all the basics! Includ ing making colours, drawing, blocking in colour, material and supplies, techniques, layering and more. You’ll come out with some paintings of your own and a good foundation for more! Instructor: Teresa Knight #15619 Thursdays

Courtenay Adult - Spring/Summer

April 3 - May 8 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Craft Room $114/6

Arts & Crafts Beginner Pottery Build a fundamental skill set to create functional and decorative pieces with clay. Students will

Painting Nature in Watercolour

How to Draw Learn several techniques that will help you draw with ease. Explore tone relationships, shad LQJ PHWKRGV XVH RI D VLPSOLȴHG grid, perspectives and more. You’ll learn to detach yourself from your mental image of a subject in order to see what is really in front of you. Great re sults in a fun, relaxed class. No class June 5. Instructor: Teresa Knight #15621 Thursdays May 15 - June 26 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Craft Room $114/6

Let’s celebrate where we live and learn to paint the amazing nature around us. After learning the parameters and peculiarities of watercolour, classes will focus on the How-to’s of painting rushing water, rolling seas, ma jestic trees, West Coast sunsets, PHDGRZ ȵRZHUV RSHQ VNLHV RU turbulent storms. All the won derful aspects of painting our world around us! Instructor: Teresa Knight #15620 Tuesdays

explore hand building tech nique, have the opportunity to try the potter’s wheel and GL΍HUHQW VXUIDFH GHFRUDWLRQ methods through guided proj ects and self-exploration. Three hours of additional studio time will be available on Wednesday, if needed. Registration includes one bag of clay. Instructor: Bobbie Hammersly #15624 Tuesdays April 8 - June 10 7:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $399/10 #15623 Thursdays April 10 - June 12 6:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $399/10 Register ONLINE at For updates & schedule changes, go to

April 1 - May 6 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Craft Room $114/6

Painting Nature in Acrylics or Oils Let’s celebrate where we live and learn to paint the amazing nature around us. After covering the basics of paint use and materials, classes will focus on the How-tos of painting rushing water, rolling VHDV PDMHVWLF WUHHV :HVW &RDVW VXQVHWV PHDGRZ ȵRZHUV RSHQ skies or turbulent storms. All the wonderful aspects of painting our world around us. No class June 3. Instructor: Teresa Knight #15618 Tuesdays May 13 - June 24 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Craft Room $114/6 Please check receipts for important program information.

Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |


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