
PIANO ADVENTURES Music makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. Small group classes study the basics of music, then you can choose more! Books cost $40 at the first lesson. This class is suitable for beginners. A piano or keyboard is recommend- ed for practicing at home. Instructor: Debbie Ross Wednesdays January 6 - March 24 #6446 3:30 - 4:30 pm (5 - 7 years) #6447 5:00 - 6:00 pm (8 - 11 years) Lewis Tsolum Building $144/12 Combine science and crafts in this exciting program! You’ll spend this class turning your dream inven- tions into reality while using differ - ent mediums for creation. You’ll build a bristle bot, mix up electro dough, and other great projects! #6486 Saturdays January 16 - February 6 2:00 - 3:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4 JURASSIC JOURNEY (5 - 9 years) Have a RAWR-ing good time! Explore the wonderful world of dinosaurs through games, crafts and stories. #6490 Thursdays PARTS & CRAFTS (7 - 10 years)

Special Interest SLIME-OLOGY (6 - 8 years) The Lewis Centre has turned into a science slime lab! Each week, par- ticipants will learn to create a new kind of slime. At the end of each class they will get to take home their slime with a slime recipe to teach others how it’s done! #6461 Thursdays February 4 - March 11 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/6 SUPER HERO SCIENCE (6 - 9 years) Explore the science of your fa- vorite superheroes. Experiment with potions, design capes, go on quests and turn make believe into reality. Become a science superhe- ro as you turn sci-fi in to sci-fact. #6484 Wednesdays January 13 - February 3 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4

HOME SENSE & SAFETY (9 - 12 years) Create a safe environment when you are home alone. Learn about meal and snack preparation, household and pet safety, dealing with strangers, making emergency phone calls, and more. #6444 Saturday January 23 9:00 - 11:30 am Filberg Rotary Hall $25 #6445 Saturday February 20 9:00 - 11:30 am Filberg Rotary Hall $25 do. Discover science through kooky chemical reactions, water and energy, weather whimsys, and space explorations. Hands-on fun leads you on a trail of discovery. #6485 Wednesdays February 17 - March 10 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4 SCIENCE DETECTIVES (7 - 10 years) Put on your thinking cap to figure out why things work the way they


January 7 - 28 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/4

Introducing. . . WISH LIST

An online feature that will help you get organized and ready in advance of Registration Day. Ask us how it works or visit to see the video.


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