
Christmas & Winter Break


WINTER BREAK DAY CAMP (5 - 12 years)

SK8 SCOOT SWIM (7 - 11 years)

It’s time to change up your winter break routine! Ride your skate- board or scooter and get tips and tricks from our skatepark staff as you cruise the street section and bowl. Or, challenge your friends to indoor and outdoor activities like dodge-ball, water play, air hockey, ping pong and more! We’ll make sure you have an action-packed week! Monday - Wednesday

Join us for a Christmas craft-tacu- lar! The glue, scissors, glitter and ribbon will be flying and you will leave with some beautiful hand- made crafts to share as gifts this holiday season. #6225 Monday - Wednesdays

Embrace the holiday season and play the day away! Active games, arts and crafts, and lots more will provide you with a sleigh of fun. Please bring your lunch. #6144 Monday - Wednesday

December 21 - 30 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $49/day

December 21 - 23 11:00 am - 2:00 pm LINC MP Room $85/3

#6120 December 21 - 23 #6121 December 28 - 30

As we continue to adjust to COVID, all recommendations from health authorities will be followed. This may include: • Physical distancing • Hand washing stations • Asking patrons to stay home when sick • Disinfection of equipment and/or room after use • Installation of barriers/shields where appropriate Thank you for your understanding and helping keep our community and others safe.

9:00 am - 4:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $99/3


FROSTY FROLICS (5 - 11 years)

It’s winter and it is time to enjoy all that it has to offer. From ice cube races to snow making this day will make you remember why winter is so cool! Bring a snack. #6139 Thursday December 31 8:30 - 11:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $25 Drop in with your family to burn off some energy due to all the fun and excitement the holiday sea- son brings! This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of sport equipment and toys. An instructor will be present to facilitate large group games. An adult must participate and is responsible for the supervision of HOLIDAY FAMILY SPORTS DROP-IN (1 - 99 years)

their child(ren). #6216 Sundays

December 6 - 20 10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required



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