
School’s Out SPRING BREAK GYMNASTICS CAMP (7 - 15 years) Whether you are a beginner or a more accomplished gymnast, you’ll have a great time in Gym- nastics Spring Break Camp! Learn new skills, develop your strength, flexibility, balance and much more as we work to develop all funda- mental areas of gymnastics. Daily challenges and progressions will be set to your individual levels. Instructor: Sheri Roffey Monday - Friday March 22 - 26 #6314 12:00 - 1:30 pm (7 - 9 years) #6456 2:00 - 3:30 pm (10 - 15 years) Lewis Centre Gym $89/5 EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO DO (5 - 12 years) Get ready for an action packed day! Participate in wild games, wonderful crafts and messy activ- ities. Your kids will have a ball and we’ll clean up the mess. Please wear old duds that can get a little dirty. #6448 Friday February 12 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Lewis Tsolum Building $49 SPRING BREAK DAY CAMP Do it all during these lively days of Spring Break. Games, sports, brain-teasers, arts & crafts, and more will keep you entertained all day long. Bring your lunch. #6481 Monday - Friday March 22 - 26 8:00 am - 5:00 pm $175 SB


VOLUNTEERS at Courtenay Recreation REWARD Gain valuable skills, Meet new people, High school credits, Personal satisfaction! For more information call 250-338-5371 or text 250-650-9930

COURTENAY CHILDREN Lewis Centre 250-338-5371

Does your child have diverse needs, require support at school and/or struggles to participate in group activities? We are pleased to now offer The Leisure Buddies program so that all children (ages 5+) can participate and thrive in our programs! Contact us to find out how we can help you! Thank you to the generous funding from the Comox Valley Community Foundation.

Monday - Thursday March 29 - April 1 $140 Lewis Craft Room A



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