
PARENT & TOT SPORTS TIME (6 years & under)

Drop in with your parent to burn off some energy. This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of fun equipment and toys. An instructor will facili- tate large group games for a portion of the program. An adult must participate and is respon- sible for the supervision of their children. Space is limited, please book ahead of time online or by calling the Lewis Centre. No pro- gram February 1. #6359 Sundays January 24 - March 14

FAMILY PAINT NIGHT This family drop-in program features a different art project each week that is adaptable for all ages and skill levels. Get the whole gang together and spend some ‘non-screen’ time creating family memories in a fun recreational environment. Please register adult Free Programs

10:00 - 11:00 am Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required

GIRLS GET ACTIVE (9 - 12 years)


Girls, drop in and get active! Join us for this fun, supportive and sporty drop in class, as we try out new sports, play games, explore new movements and make new friends. If you are not too sure about playing team sports or even know what you are interested in trying, this is the class for you! Each week we will focus on indi- vidual based sports and activities related to physical health and wellness. Space is limited, please book ahead of time online or by calling the Lewis Centre. #6458 Thursdays January 21 - March 11 5:15 - 6:15 pm Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required


Join us for free play in our gyms. Activities available might include plasma cars, music and movement games. An adult must participate and is responsible for the super- vision of their child(ren). Please register adult in the program. #6462 Mondays, Thursdays & Saturdays

in the program. #6464 Thursdays

January 14 - March 11 6:00 - 7:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A Free, reservation required

January 4 - March 18 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Lewis Centre Gym Free, reservation required


Does your child have diverse needs, require support at school and/or struggles to participate in group activities? We are pleased to now offer The Leisure Buddies program so that all children (ages 5+) can participate and thrive in our programs! Contact us to find out how we can help you! Thank you to the generous funding from the Comox Valley Community Foundation.

This activity is for our little friends who are very curious and ready to experiment and learn with art based materials with their care- givers. Each week will be a differ- ent project that can be completed together. #6463 Tuesdays January 12 - March 16 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A Free, reservation required

Go to page 37 for Free Holiday Family Sports Drop-in


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