
Adult Fitness

Youth Fitness THIS GIRL CAN 13-18 yrs • Moncrief Hall $ FODVV VSHFL¿FDOO\ GHVLJQHG IRU young women and female-identi fying participants. Increase your strength, endurance and overall ¿WQHVV ZKLOH FUHDWLQJ KHDOWK\ habits and instilling a life-long love of exercise. Instructor: Ally Greer Mondays 4:30 - 5:30 pm FR#9207 Sep 9 - Dec 16 $84/12 No class Sep 30, Oct 14, Nov 11 Join our exciting class combining high-energy spin sessions with dynamic weight training to boost ¿WQHVV EXLOG VWUHQJWK DQG LQVSLUH FRQ¿GHQFH LQ \RXQJ DWKOHWHV *HW ready to feel the burn and have fun! Instructor: Justin Wolfe Thursdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm FR#9195 Oct 24 - Dec 12 $56/7 No class Oct 31 YOUTH SPIN & STRENGTH 13-18 yrs • Moncrief Hall

TRX STRENGTH & CARDIO 16+ • Gymnasium Get ready to increase your power, strength and endur ance with this dynamic total-body 75; FODVV $OO\ FRPELQHV VXVSHQ sion strength training, cardio-in tensive intervals and serious core challenges for a mix of gravity resistance and power building that may just be the ultimate workout! Instructor: Ally Greer Tuesdays 5:15 - 6:15 pm FR#9224 Sep 10 - Oct 29 $72/8 FR#9225 Nov 5 - Dec 17 $63/7 LUNCH EXPRESS HIT 16+ Moncrief Hall Beat the afternoon doldrums by kicking up the cardio and pump ing a little iron in this bite-sized, high-intenisty class. In just 40 minutes, you’ll be ready to face the rest of your day feeling alert, refreshed and stronger than ever! Instructor: Ally Greer Wednesdays 12:10 - 12:50 pm FR#9213 Sep 11 - Oct 30 $58/9 FR#9214 Nov 6 - Dec 18 $49/7 TABATA 16+ Moncrief Hall This high-intensity interval training consists of eight sets of fast-paced exercises each performed for 20 seconds interspersed with a brief rest for VHFRQGV *UHDW IRU DOO ¿WQHVV levels. Instructor: Sharon Aul Mondays 9:45 - 10:45 am FR#9228 Sep 9 - Oct 28 $54/6 No class Sep 30, Oct 14 FR#9229 Nov 18 - Dec 16 $45/5 Wednesdays 9:45 - 10:45 am FR#9230 Sep 11 - Oct 30 $72/8 FR#9231 Nov 6 - Dec 18 $63/7

STRENGTH & ENDURANCE 16+ • Moncrief Hall Join Ally for a solid workout de signed to build cardio, endurance & strength. This is an intermedi ate-level workout that can be scaled XS RU GRZQ WR PHHW \RXU ¿WQHVV needs. Instructor: Ally Greer Mondays 5:30 - 6:30 pm FR#9203 Sep 9 - Oct 28 $54/6 No class Sep 30, Oct 14 FR#9204 Nov 18 - Dec 16 $45/5 Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:30 pm FR#9209 Sep 11 - Oct 30 $72/9 FR#9205 Nov 6 - Dec 18 $ 63/7 Ally’s same Strength & Endurance class that you love (see above), plus toys and supervision for your preschoolers . Tots play in one half of the gym while you work out in the other. $2/child is payable at reception. Instructor: Ally Greer Tuesdays 9:15 - 10:15 am FR#9212 Sep 10 - Oct 29 $72/8 FR#9208 Nov 5 - Dec 17 $63/7 Thursdays 9:15 - 10:15 am FR#9211 Sep 12 - Oct 24 $63/7 FR#9206 Nov 7 - Dec 19 $63/7 STRENGTH & ENDURANCE 16+ • Gymnasium



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