
ADULT SOCIAL CLUB September 3 - December 22 50+ • Buchanan Hall Enjoy the company of friends and

neighbours along with a complimentary WHD RU FRႇHH SOXV DFWLYLWLHV OLNH 0DKMRQJ cards, book club, and wellness activities. For details on what’s upcoming, visit

cumberland.ca/social-club. Tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:30 pm Fridays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Adults: $4.30 Seniors: $3.20 Members: Free

50+ Fitness The following classes are just $5 per day or free with membership (see p. 2 for details). Please pre-register for all classes. Please call or check online for drop-in availbility.


TRX FOR SENIORS 50+ • Moncrief Hall This class focuses on strength ening everyday movements to improve everyday function. Bene- ¿WV RI WKH 75; VXVSHQVLRQ WUDLQHU includes stability and scalability, allowing you to tailor each exer FLVH WR \RXU RZQ SHUVRQDO ¿WQHVV and/or comfort level. *Please note, waitlists are no longer available for this class. Instructor: Ally Greer Mondays 11:00 -11:45 am FR#9176 Sep 9 - Dec 16 No class Sep 30, Oct 14, Nov 4,11 Wednesdays 11:00 -11:45 am FR#9177 Sep 11 - Dec 18 Thursdays 11:00 -11:45 am FR#9178 Sep 12 - Dec 19 No class Nov 7

FOREVER FIT 50+ • Moncrief Hall A balanced workout that combines functional training, balance and strength work. This class can be tailored to your level and ability, from a moderate workout with PRGL¿FDWLRQV DV QHHGHG WR D YDUL ety of more challenging exercises IRU ¿W ROGHU DGXOWV ORRNLQJ WR VWD\ Mon, Wed & Fri 8:30 - 9:30 am FR#9226 Sep 9 - Dec 20 No class Sep 30, Oct 4, 14 Nov 1, 4, 11 STRETCH & STRENGTH 50 + • Moncrief Hall Build your strength, endurance and increase balance through UHVLVWDQFH WUDLQLQJ EHIRUH ¿QLVKLQJ Rႇ ZLWK D ORQJ VHW RI VWUHWFKLQJ WR HQFRXUDJH ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG UHFRYHU\ Instructor: Laurie Baird Tuesdays & Thursdays FR#9169 6:30 - 7:30 pm Sep 10 - Dec 19 No class Oct 3 active and have fun. Instructor: Sharon Aul

LINE DANCE FUSION 50+ • Buchanan Hall Instructor: Nimisha Jimenez

Line Dance Easy - for new beginners

If you’ve always wanted to learn line dance, this 5-week beginner program will emphasize repetition and proper technique along with the joy of movement. Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:00 am FR#9184 Sep 4 - Oct 9 No class Oct 2 FR#9185 Oct 30 - Dec 4 No class Nov 6 Line Dance Bootcamp - for experienced beginners Get ready to have fun learning new patterns of steps and current dances at the High Beginner and Improver levels. Dance to a va riety of dance styles like country, pop, latin, and swing. Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:00 pm FR#9182 Sep 4 - Oct 9 No class Oct 2 FR#9183 Oct 30 - Dec 4 No class Nov 6

VILLAGE OF CUMBERLAND | 250-336-2231 | cumberland.ca/rec


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