Roller Skating Special Interest ROLLER SKATING 101 - INTRO TO ROLLER SKATING 16+ yrs • Gymnasium Presented by Brick House Betties SHE’S WILD 18+ yrs • No. 6 Mine Park & forest A women’s group for active ad venturous sisters who are looking to deepen their connection with self, others, and the natural world,
GROWN-UP GYM CLASS 16+ • Gymnasium Gym class is back - and this time it’s for grown-ups! Your PE teach er, Phill Fuller of Comox Valley Bounce, might assign tasks like dodgeball, pickleball, capture the ÀDJ ZLWK 1HUI %ODVWHUV RU 6SLNH ball. Each class will be an exciting new surprise! Instructor: Phill Fuller #9165 Tuesdays
Learn to be safe and have fun on 8 wheels, including balance, stride, falls, and stops. May in clude some roller dance if partici pants are interested. Instructors: Brick House Betties #9197 Sundays 9:15 - 10:45am Sep 8 - Oct 27 $72/8 ROLLER SKATING 101 - This beginner level rollerskating class teaches skills such as safe falls, stops, crossovers, transi tions, and backwards skating XVLQJ D UROOHU GHUE\ ¿WQHVV FXUULF ulum. Have fun and get sweaty while building the strength and stability to progress to derby or other skating pursuits! Email nor thislandrollerderby@gmail.com to discuss borrowing equipment. Instructors: North Island Roller Derby #9186 Sundays 11:00 - 12:30pm Sep 8 - Oct 27 $72/8 INTRO TO ROLLER SKATING - MINI SERIES Level up basic roller skating moves to learn some dance, rhythm, and jam skating for social drop-in skates and roller rink events. Instructors: Brick House Betties #9198 Sundays 16+ yrs • Gymnasium Presented by Brick House Betties DERBY EDITION 16+ yrs • Gymnasium Presented by North Island Roller Derby
facilitated by Renee Baron, an experienced outdoor educator and meditation teacher. The goal is to spend quality time with one another focusing on our commu nal love for wild places, adventure and skill development. Renée seeks to empower women out doors so that they can increase WKHLU FRQ¿GHQFH WR PRYH WKURXJK wild spaces. Meditation, hiking in the Cumberland Forest area, and community circle will give shape to
7:45 - 9:00 pm Oct 1 - Dec 3 $90/10
New Programs Wanted!
Cumberland Recreation is looking for program & workshop facilitators for our upcoming Winter and Spring seasons. Email recreation@cumberland.ca with your program proposals DQG TXDOL¿FDWLRQV
each monthly meeting. Instructor: Renée Baron Saturdays 9:00 - 1:00 pm $35/1
#9245 Sep 28 #9246 Oct 26 #9247 Nov 9 #9248 Dec 7
9:15 - 10:45am Nov 24 - Dec 15 $36/4
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