

Taekwondo Juniors - C 8 - 13 years Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport known for its dynamic kicks, Taekwondo offers students a combination of physical and mental development. Starting at white belt, students will progress through the coloured belt system while learning exciting kicks, dynamic hand strikes and self defense all in a supportive, inclusive and structured learning environment. Students will build FRQˋGHQFH VWUHQJWK HQGXUDQFH FRRUGLQDWLRQ ˌH[LELOLW\ DQG UHˌH[ reactions. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 9, 14, 16 & Nov 11. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: MP Hall White to Green Belt Mon & Wed | 4:20 - 5:10 pm #16250 | Sep 9 - Dec 18 | $287 Blue to Black Belt Mon & Wed | 5:15 - 6:05 pm #16251 | Sep 9 - Dec 18 | $287 13+ Kickboxing - C 13 years & up Kickboxing is a martial art and combat sport that is characterized E\ WKH XVH RI ˋVWV HOERZV NQHHV and shins in striking and clinching advanced students may progress to friendly sparring rounds. Expect to challenge your strength, agility, speed and endurance. Get a great workout while learning new skills. Wear: shorts & t-shirt. Required equipment (can be purchased from Instructor): boxing gloves & hand wraps. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14, Nov 6 & 11. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: Gym A Mon & Wed | 6:30 - 7:30 pm #16252 | Sep 9 - Dec 16 | $309 + gst techniques. Our class will be friendly/non-competitive and primarily consist of partner drills: pad work, sparring drills and basic combinations although more

Women’s Only Kickboxing - C 12 years & up

Jr. Karate - C 7 - 13 years Karate is the ideal activity for FKLOGUHQ WR EXLOG VHOI FRQˋGHQFH balance, coordination, discipline and social skills while having fun, making friends and learning something new. Kids will develop NDUDWH VSHFLˋF VNLOOV ZKLOH promoting physical and mental KHDOWK WKDW ZLOO EHQHˋW WKHP IRU D lifetime. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 9, 14, 16 & Nov 11. Instructor: Pam Ross Location: MP Hall Mon & Wed | 6:15 - 7:15 pm #16303 | Sep 9 - Dec 4 | $225 + gst Adult Karate - C 13 years & up Karate is a great way to improve RYHUDOO SK\VLFDO DQG PHQWDO ˋWQHVV with body conditioning and self defense skills. Safe and encouraging practice of Karate techniques ZLOO GHYHORS FRQˋGHQFH LPSURYH concentration, and relieve stress! No sessions Sep 30, Oct 9, 14, 16 & Nov 11. Instructor: Pam Ross Location: MP Hall Mon & Wed | 7:30 - 8:45 pm #16302 | Sep 9 - Dec 4 | $245 + gst Learn traditional Japanese Shito-ryu Karate sanctioned by Karate Canada and Karate %& ZLWK 1&&3 FHUWLˋHG instructors. Annual Karate BC membership fee will be collected in class.

Kickboxing is a fun and social class where you’ll work the whole body through targeted conditioning, partner target drills, boxing drills and core stability training. You’ll learn basic boxing system which is great for beginners and continues to challenge as you advance. Gloves and wraps are required and can be purchased through the instructor. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: Gym B Mon | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16258 | Sep 9 - Nov 18 | $99 + gst Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on self-defence WKURXJK JUDSSOLQJ JURXQG ˋJKWLQJ and submissions. This BJJ class is structured with new students and beginners in mind. Basic concepts of positional control as well as escapes and submissions will be covered. Classes will progress from partner drills to positional sparring and then to live “rolling”. Enjoy this full body workout that will help to UHOLHYH VWUHVV ERRVW FRQˋGHQFH DQG build camaraderie with training partners. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14, Nov 6 & 11. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: Gym A Mon & Wed | 7:30 - 8:40 pm #16253 | Sep 9 - Dec 16 | $309 + gst Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals - C 12 years & up


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