
Gym Bugs Birth - 5 years Come and play, climb, run and have fun with your child on Sunday mornings! There are cars, balls, climbing toys and more! Parent supervision is required. No sessions Sep 22 & Nov 3. Location: Gym A Sun | 8:30 - 10:00 am Drop-in | Sep 1 - Dec 29 | $5/family Take advantage of open gym times and drop into our facility to play with your grandchildren and meet other active seniors in the community. A variety of toys and sports are provided. Adult supervision required. No sessions Sep 19 & Nov 7. Location: Gym A Thu | 1:00 - 2:30 pm Drop-in | Sep 5 - Dec 19 | FREE! Hand-In-Hand Nature Education Program - C 2.75 - 5 years This outdoor education program offers a unique learning experience using nature, play-based and child led curriculum. Children must be out of diapers. Email questions and registration to: jarrett@hand-in handeducation.com Instructors: Hand-In-Hand Nature Educators Location: Filberg Park Seeds | 2.75 - 4 years Tue & Thu | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $270/month Roots | 3.75 - 5 years Mon, Wed & Fri | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $340/month Extended Afternoon Hours Only available to children registered in Roots. Mon, Wed & Fri | 12:00 - 3:00 pm $340/month Grandparent & Tot Open Gym Birth - 5 years


Dad and Baby A comfortable place for dads to come and share their own journey while gathering information on the broad perspective of changing relationships and integrating a newborn into family life. Facilitated by a doula and postpartum parenting specialist, who’ll help you gather info on all the things to better prepare you for your own postpartum journey while chilling with other dads. Instructor: Serena Oliveira Location: Spinnaker Marina Park Sat | 1:00 - 2:30 pm Sep 21, Oct 19, Nov 16, & Dec 14 Drop-in | FREE! Let us take care of your little ones while you take care of yourself! Guardian must stay in the building. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Victoria Rigdon Location: Room A Childminding 2 months - 4 years

Preschool Baby and Me Join this weekly session with a local doula and postpartum parenting specialist to support your journey through matrescence - from preparing to conceive, through birth, and until you’re fully settled and thriving postpartum. Rooted in holistic guidance, celebratory traditions, and self-care practices, we enrich and vitalize our cross cultural parenting community. Enjoy tea and cookies in a relaxed, FRQˋGHQWLDO VSDFH ZKHUH \RX FDQ UHˌHFW VKDUH ODXJK FU\ DQG JDLQ FRQˋGHQFH )HHO IUHH WR GURS LQ anytime during the session - we understand the challenges of leaving the house with a baby! Instructor: Serena Oliveira Location: MP Hall 1 Thu | 1:00 - 2:30 pm Drop-in | Sep 5 - Dec 19 | FREE!

For more programs from Serena: Check out page 116 for Moon Time Wisdom and Tea and Pen on page 117.

Mon - Fri | 8:45 - 10:45 am Drop-in | Sep 3 - Dec 20 1 child: $3.25/ visit or $32.50/10 punch card 2 children: $5.75/ visit or $57.50/10 punch card

COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/rec


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