
Woo Kim Intro to Taekwondo - C 5 - 9 years

This beginner class is designed to teach kids the basic foundational skills like kicking, blocking, punching, and life skills: courtesy, FRQˋGHQFH DQG SHUVHYHUDQFH .LGV 10 years of age please join the Junior class directly. Instructor permission required to progress to the Tigers/Juniors Classes. Instructor: Jonah Kanary Location: Room C 5 - 6 years Thu | 5:00 - 5:30 pm #16254 | Sep 12 - Oct 24 | $85 #16256 | Nov 7 - Dec 19 | $85 7 - 9 years Thu | 5:40 - 6:10 pm #16255 | Sep 12 - Oct 24 | $85 #16257 | Nov 7 - Dec 19 | $85 Woo Kim Taekwondo Tigers - C 5 - 7 years Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport. Students learn Taekwondo with an emphasis on fun! Physical skills such as EDODQFH FRRUGLQDWLRQ DQG ˌH[LELOLW\ are coupled with building mental DQG VRFLDO VNLOOV OLNH FRQˋGHQFH cooperation and focus. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 9, 14, 16 & Nov 11. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: MP Hall Mon & Wed | 3:30 - 4:15 pm #16249 | Sep 9 - Dec 18 | $287


Advanced Fencing Practice 15 years & up An opportunity for advanced fencers to work on skills and

Martial Arts Explore Fencing 10 - 14 years Leap into one of the original

European martial arts. Fence for IXQ DQG ˋWQHVV DQG GHYHORS \RXU skills. This dynamic form of ancient combat teaches skill, strategy and LPSURYHV ˋWQHVV $OO HTXLSPHQW is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/ electronic weapons and scoring systems. No session Nov 6. Instructor: Bill Harrower Location: Gym B Wed | 6:45 - 7:45 pm #16350 | Sep 18 - Dec 4 | $88 Attack the European martial art of Fencing! Take a lunge and learn KRZ WR IHQFH IRU IXQ DQG ˋWQHVV )RU those individuals who have already fenced, improve and practice your fencing skills and techniques with fellow fencers and instructors each week. All equipment is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/electronic weapons and scoring systems. Age exceptions based on coaches recommendation. No session Nov 6. Instructor: Rowan Presly Location: Gym B Wed | 8:00 - 9:00 pm #16352 | Sep 11 - Dec 11 | $104 + gst Fencing Workout 15 years & up

techniques, and to practice against like minded fencers. All equipment is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/ electronic weapons and scoring systems. Age exceptions based on coaches recommendation. Instructor: Bill Harrower Location: Gym B Tue | 7:00 - 9:00 pm #16351 | Sep 10 - Dec 10 | $98 + gst Drop-in | $7.50 Tibetan White Crane Tai Chi 16 years & up ,PSURYH DJLOLW\ ˌH[LELOLW\ DQG overall health and well-being by performing a sequence of slow and relaxed motions. The class introduces the “Needle in Cotton” form which is a treasure of the Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu system. The form is described as “peace in motion” and is a set of Qigong movements said to carry the practitioner into a healthy and long life. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Tom Haber Location: Room B Mon | 2:30 - 3:30 pm #16533 | Sep 9 - Dec 16 | $132 + gst

Taekwondo programs are Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo federations.

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