Birgit’s Vinyasa Flow Yoga - C 16 years & up
Karen’s Iyengar Yoga Level 1 - C 16 years & up Iyengar Yoga pays close attention to precision and alignment and is steeped in the ancient tradition of yoga. This active class improves posture, boosts energy, increases VWUHQJWK ˌH[LELOLW\ DQG VHOI awareness. Iyengar Yoga can be adapted for all bodies with the use of props and focus on alignment. No session Sep 30, Oct 14, Nov 8 & 11. Instructor: Karen Gibson Location: Room C Mon | 5:30 - 6:45 pm #16520 | Sep 9 - Dec 2 | $140 + gst Fri | 9:00 - 10:30 am #16519 | Sep 13 - Nov 29 | $165 + gst Karen’s Iyengar Yoga Level 2 - C 16 years & up Suitable for those with 6 months Iyengar Yoga experience who are ready to improve technique and increase intensity while still emphasizing proper form. Instructor: Karen Gibson Location: Room C Tue | 9:00 - 10:30 am #16521 | Sep 10 - Nov 26 | $180 + gst
Tanya’s Gentle Yoga - C 10 years & up Whether you are new to yoga or have years of experience, this class is for you. Enjoy gentle movements, deep stretches, and poses that HQKDQFH ˌH[LELOLW\ VWUHQJWK and balance. Relieve stress and H[SHULHQFH WKH SURIRXQG EHQHˋWV RI this practice. No sessions Oct 10 & 17. Instructor: Tanya Sedunow Location: MP Hall Thu | 7:15 - 8:45 pm #16442 | Sep 19 - Dec 5 | $156 + gst Tanya’s Hatha Yoga - C 10 years & up Perfect for beginners and returning students; an active class designed WR HQKDQFH VWUHQJWK DQG ˌH[LELOLW\ while easing everyday stress and tension from both the body and mind. Multiple options are provided so you can practice at your own level. However, the pace may not suit those looking for a gentle yoga session. No sessions Oct 10 & 17. Instructor: Tanya Sedunow Location: MP Hall Thu | 5:30 - 6:45 pm #16440 | Sep 19 - Dec 5 | $144 + gst
If you enjoy lots of movement at a fast pace, this class if for you. Poses IROORZ D VHTXHQFH WKDW ˋQLVKHV ZLWK relaxation and quiet time. Some experience necessary. Instructor: Birgit Nilson Location: Room C Thu | 9:00 - 10:15 am #16439 | Sep 26 - Dec 5 | $155 + gst A great place to begin for anyone who is new to yoga and/or those with physical limitations. No session Oct 15. Instructor: Birgit Nilson Location: MP Hall Tue | 10:45 am - 12:00 pm #16293 | Sep 24 - Dec 3 | $140 + gst Birgit’s Senior Yoga - C 50 years & up 7UDGLWLRQDO Toddlers and kids yoga classes also available! Check out pages 113 & 114. REGISTRATION STARTS MONDAY AUGUST 12 | See page 95 follow us 109
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