
Gentle Pilates-Yoga Fusion 16 years & up Feel amazing with a class that blends the best of Yoga and Pilates, resulting in a stronger core, LPSURYHG EDODQFH DQG ˌH[LELOLW\ and a deeper understanding of how to use your breath and movement to calm your mind and increase your well-being. Location: Room C Instructor: Ryan Murphy Wed | 4:00 - 5:00 pm #16538 | Sep 11 - Oct 23 | $84 + gst #16539 | Oct 30 - Dec 11 | $84 + gst Instructor: Glenny Whelan Thu | 11:30 am - 12:30 pm #16540 | Sep 12 - Oct 24 | $84 + gst #16541 | Oct 31 - Dec 12 | $84 + gst Birgit’s Gentle Flow Yoga - C 16 years & up A gentler approach to a style of Yoga that encourages a lot of movement. We will attempt to accommodate any physical limitations you may have. Beginners are welcome. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Birgit Nilson Location: MP Hall Mon | 9:00 - 10:15 am #16290 | Sep 23 - Dec 9 | $125 + gst Birgit’s Hatha Yoga - C 16 years & up An ancient practice that teaches traditional yoga poses with a VSHFLˋF IRFXV RQ DOLJQPHQW Beginners are welcome. Instructor: Birgit Nilson Location: Room B Tue | 9:00 - 10:15 am #16292 | Sep 24 - Dec 3 | $155 + gst Location: Room C Wed | 9:00 - 10:15 am #16294 | Sep 25 - Dec 4 | $155 + gst


Adaptive Fitness/Chair Pilates-Yoga 16 years & up A gentle, functional class that adapts movements from Yoga and Pilates to improve strength, ˌH[LELOLW\ DQG EDODQFH %UHDWKLQJ exercises help calm the nervous system. Join this fun and welcoming session to improve your health and well-being and discover how EHQHˋFLDO FKDLU H[HUFLVH FDQ EH (Exercises performed seated and VWDQGLQJ PRGLˋFDWLRQV SURYLGHG No session Oct 15. Instructor: Ryan Murphy Location: MP Hall Tue | 12:30 - 1:30 pm #16536 | Sep 10 - Oct 22 | $72 + gst #16537 | Oct 29 - Dec 10 | $84 + gst

Yoga Cont’d Pilates Primer Plus 16 years & up

Discover how pilates can help strengthen your core, improve EDODQFH DQG HQKDQFH ˌH[LELOLW\ PLUS enjoy relaxation and stretching. No experience necessary. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room B Tue | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm #16558 | Sep 10 - Oct 22 | $84 + gst #16559 | Oct 29 - Dec 10 | $84 + gst Rise & Glow Pilates-Yoga Flow 16 years & up Are you an early riser who’d like to start the day with joint friendly, core strengthening and spine nurturing exercises that also enhance \RXU ˌH[LELOLW\ FRRUGLQDWLRQ DQG balance? Energize your morning and wake up your muscles. Finish the session with a guided, mindful relaxation, preparing for a great day ahead. Instructor: Ryan Murphy Location: Room B Fri | 7:30 - 8:30 am #16542 | Sep 13 - Oct 25 | $84 + gst #16543 | Nov 1 - Dec 13 | $84 + gst

Yoga drop-in pricing, when space permits:

Gwen & Kelly - $10 Birgit & Tanya - $15 Karen - $17

COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/rec


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