

Gwen’s Yoga Strength & Core 16 years & up A fun combination of strength & core made even better with yoga! See improved balance, body DZDUHQHVV DOLJQPHQW ˌH[LELOLW\ strength and stress level in your whole body. Equipment use may include; weights, balls, rollers, sliders and bands. No session Oct 11. Instructor: Gwen Frankowski Location: MP Hall Fri | 1:15 - 2:15 pm #16447 | Sep 6 - Dec 13 | $112 + gst These physical movements will be slow and gentle, and explore postures that are seated, standing, and reclined with lots of time for transitions. End with a guided sleep meditation from a long shavasana (reclined pose) to release tension IURP PLQG DQG ERG\ 0RGLˋFDWLRQV will be offered for all levels. No session Nov 21. Instructor: Kelly Yaskiw Location: Room B Thu | 9:15 - 10:30 am #16348 | Sep 19 - Dec 5 | $120 + gst Try It to Like It Thu | 9:15 - 10:30 am #16349 | Sep 12 | FREE! Gentle Hatha & Yoga Nidra with Kelly 16 years & up Find length in your muscles, release stiffness in your joints, and link movement with your breath.

Pilates 16 years & up

Pilates Yoga Fusion 16 years & up

Pilates is a low-impact workout designed to strengthen, lengthen,

Build strength and tone your core PXVFOHV ZKLOH LPSURYLQJ ˌH[LELOLW\ and creating harmony in the body for stress reduction. This fusion is the best of both disciplines. Pilates exercises and yoga poses will give you a full body workout with focus on proper movement. Each class ends with soothing relaxation. All levels welcome. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room B Mon | 9:00 - 10:15 am #16549 | Sep 9 - Nov 25 | $72 + gst Tue | 6:45 - 7:45 pm #16550 | Sep 10 - Nov 26 | $96 + gst Enjoy a pleasing sequence that incorporates key principles from both Yoga and Pilates. Expect a full-body workout that challenges your core strength and increases \RXU PXVFXODU HQGXUDQFH ˌH[LELOLW\ and balance. Finish each class with a soothing stretch. Leave feeling energized, yet relaxed. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room B Fri | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16544 | Sep 13 - Oct 25 | $84 + gst #16545 | Nov 1 - Dec 13 | $84 + gst Pilates - Yoga Flow 16 years & up

and tone muscles through repetitive and controlled

movements. This class trains the body as an integrated whole, with a strong focus on the core. It helps LPSURYH ˌH[LELOLW\ SRVWXUH DQG joint range of motion. This class will introduce you to the fundamentals of Pilates, enhancing your overall ˋWQHVV Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room B Thu | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #16548 | Sep 12 - Nov 28 | $96 + gst Pilates is a low-impact workout that strengthens, lengthens, and tones muscles through repetitive and controlled movements. This more challenging class also trains the body as an integrated whole, focusing on the core. Expect G\QDPLF DQG HQHUJL]LQJ ˌRZV using a variety of props to further LPSURYH ˌH[LELOLW\ SRVWXUH DQG joint range of motion. Familiarity with Pilates breath and movement is recommended. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room C Thu | 6:45 - 7:45 pm #16546 | Sep 12 - Nov 28 | $96 + gst Intermediate Pilates 16 years & up

We encourage you to bring your own yoga props; however, we have mats, blocks and bolsters to borrow in most yoga classes.


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