
Women’s Only Kickboxing - C 12 years & up

Kickboxing is a fun and social class where you’ll work the whole body through targeted conditioning, partner target drills, boxing drills and core stability training. You’ll learn basic boxing system which is great for beginners and continues to challenge as you advance. Gloves and wraps are required and can be purchased through the instructor. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Richard Dobbs Location: Gym B Mon | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16258 | Sep 9 - Nov 18 | $99 + gst Rising Strong Outdoor Strength & Fitness - C 35 years & up /RRNLQJ IRU D ˋWQHVV FODVV WKDW utilizes our INCREDIBLE local green spaces to receive the health EHQHˋWV WKDW FRPH IURP PRYHPHQW in nature? With a specialization in coaching women through the mid-life transition join coach Tina as she takes you through a total body strength workout, focusing on joint mobility, stabilization, and functional movement patterns. Choose either one or two days per week. Tue | 7:00 - 8:00 am #16448 | Sep 10 - Oct 29 | $112 + gst #16512 | Nov 5 - Dec 17 | $98 + gst Thu | 7:00 - 8:00 am #16513 | Sep 5 - Oct 24 | $112 + gst #16514 | Nov7-Dec19 | $98 + gst Stronger Together Tue | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16517 | Sep 10 - Oct 29 | $112 + gst #16518 | Nov 5 - Dec 17 | $98 + gst Thu | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16515 | Sep 5 - Oct 24 | $112 + gst #16516 | Nov7-Dec19 | $98 + gst Instructor: Tina Wilson Location: Various parks


Strength & Stability - C 60 years & up Learn full-body strengthening with emphasis on on the lower body to help with movements like sit to VWDQG DQG JHWWLQJ XS IURP WKH ˌRRU from a registered kinesiologist. We will focus on balance and stability. Perfect for anyone concerned about changes in strength and balance and the fear of falling. Instructor: Stephanie Devonshire Location: Origin Integrated Health Fri | 1:30 - 2:15 pm #16577 | Sep 27 - Nov 1 | $168 + gst Kinetic Core for Athletes - C 16 years & up Optimize athletic performance, PRYH PRUH HIˋFLHQWO\ DQG SUHYHQW injury. You will also learn how to breathe and engage your core in a functional way. Every Athlete needs this class! It’s all those exercises and stretches you know you need but keep putting off. Instructor: Kim Jaccard Location: Origin Integrated Health Tue | 5:30 - 6:30 pm #16578 | Sep 24 - Oct 29 | $180 + gst

Fitness Cont’d Forever Fit: Move & Groove 18 years & up

Movin’ and Groovin’ on a Monday to start your week right! Tick all the ˋWQHVV ȡER[HVȢ ZLWK WKLV RQH IDEX lous workout. Cardio for your heart, a variety of equipment for your muscles, mat work for your core, round this out with balance training and a full body relaxing stretch! Leave class energized for your day and your whole week! No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Janice Bradford Location: Gym B Mon | 10:45 - 11:45 am #16637 | Sep 9 - Dec 16 | $96 + gst Build your muscles and bones! In this full body strengthening series with a focus on safe movement mechanics for preventing fragility fractures. If you have osteoporosis or osteopenia, this class is for you! Instructor: Stephanie Devonshire Location: Origin Integrated Health Thu | 3:00 - 4:00 pm #16575 | Sep 15 - Oct 24 | $168 + gst Thu | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #16579 | Oct 3 - Nov 7 | $198 + gst C ! I Osteoporosis Fit - C 50 years & up

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