

Determination Boot Camp - C 16 years & up

Determination Core Cardio FitCamp - C 16 years & up

Core Plus - C 50 years & up

Core and strength training with functional movement exercises. Prerequisite: must be able to get GRZQ DQG XS IURP WKH ˌRRU 1R session Nov 7. Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Thu | 10:30 - 11:30 am #16531 | Sep 12 - Dec 12 | $180 + gst

RIP it up! Train like an athlete! Be ready for a challenge in the LQWHQVH \HW IXQ ˋOHG LQGRRU RXWGRRU H[HUFLVH SURJUDP %ULQJ \RXU ˋWQHVV to a new level. Resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning, body weight exercises, partner drills, core strength and much more will be addressed in this well-developed Boot Camp. Please do not register for this class if you have unresolved back issues. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Mon, Wed & Fri | 5:15 - 6:15 pm 1x week #16522 | Sep 9 - Oct 18 | $120 + gst #16525 | Oct 23 - Dec 20 | $180 + gst 2x week #16523 | Sep 9 - Oct 18 | $228 + gst #16526 | Oct 23 - Dec 20 | $342 + gst 3x week #16524 | Sep 9 - Oct 18 | $238 + gst #16527 | Oct 23 - Dec 20 | $425 + gst Early Riser Tue & Thu | 6:15 - 7:15 am #16528 | Sep 10 - Oct 17 | $228 + gst #16529 | Oct 22 - Dec 19 | $342 + gst

A high intensity intermediate level class designed to tighten the abs and carve curves. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) combined with core work to leave you sweaty and sculpted! Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Fri | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16532 | Sep 13 - Dec 13 | $210 + gst Abs & Stretch - C 16 years & up A perfect combination of abdominal exercises and lower extremity stretches. This class is designed to promote strength and stability in the musculature that supports the spine. Tighten the tummy, increase ˌH[LELOLW\ DQG SRVVLEO\ KHOS WKDW low back issue you may have. Intermediate level class. Instructor: Steve Thomson Location: Gym B Tue | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16530 | Sep 10 - Dec 17 | $240 + gst

Contact reception for information on Steve Thomson personal training sessions at the Community Centre.

Steve Thomson program withdrawal & refund information: No withdrawals or refunds after the session starts unless due to injury or illness. A doctor’s note will be required.


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