
Women’s Strength & Core 16 years & up Experience small group classes designed just for you, no matter \RXU DJH RU ˋWQHVV OHYHO *HW VWURQJ DQG ˋW IRU OLIH E\ LPSURYLQJ \RXU strength, mobility, function, and core stability. We focus on your form, technique, and hormonal health, with special attention to exercise and pelvic strength. Re ceive a personalized exercise plan at the end of each session, just like personal training. No sessions Oct 10 &17. Instructor: Signi Caine Location: Gym B Tue | 10:30 - 11:30 am #16634 | Sep 10 - Oct 22 | $140 + gst #16667 | Oct 29 - Dec 10 | $140 + gst Tue | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #16635 | Sep 10 - Oct 22 | $140 + gst #16668 | Oct 29 - Dec 10 | $140 + gst Wed | 7:45 - 8:45 am #16651 | Sep 11 - Oct 23 | $140 + gst #16670 | Oct 30 - Dec 11 | $140 + gst Location: Room C Tue | 5:15 - 6:15 pm #16666 | Sep 10 - Oct 22 | $140 + gst #16671 | Oct 29 - Dec 10 | $140 + gst Location: MP Hall 2 Thu | 10:45 - 11:45 pm #16678 | Sep 12 - Oct 24 | $100 + gst #16679 | Oct 31 - Dec 12 | $140 + gst Thu | 12:00 - 1:00 pm #16636 | Sep 12 - Oct 24 | $100 + gst #16669 | Oct 31 - Dec 12 | $140 + gst


Mobility 101 19 years & up

Fitness Cont’d Ski & Snowboard Prep 18 years & up Get ready for the slopes with our kinesiologist-led mobility, strength, and conditioning workshop. Dive into body mechanics and movement patterns to ensure a great ski or snowboard season. Feel strong and capable on the hill this year! This workshop can be taken as a stand-alone experience to apply to your own workouts, or you can continue with our 6-week series for a deeper dive into each programming element. Enhance your performance, prevent injuries, and receive a home workout plan to continue your preparation. Instructor: Ryan Murphy Location: Room C Workshop Tue | 11:00 - 1:30 pm #16675 | Sep 17 | $50 + gst Series Tue | 11:00 - 12:00 pm #16676 | Sep 24 - Oct 29 | $65 + gst #16677 | Nov 5 - Dec 10 | $65 + gst

Focus on fundamental movements to enhance your range of motion, prevent injuries, and support overall physical health with techniques to maintain and improve your mobility for daily activities and workouts. Open to the public but geared for ˋWQHVV SURIHVVLRQDOV Instructor: Ryan Murphy Location: Room C Sat | 10:30am - 1:30 pm

#16682 | Sep 21 | $60 + gst #16683 | Oct 19 | $60 + gst #16684 | Nov 16 | $60 + gst #16685 | Dec 14 | $60 + gst

COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/rec


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