

Butts, Guts & Biceps 16 years & up Every week will be something different in this total body class. Incorporating strength training along with cardio conditioning using a variety of equipment and body weight exercises. Leave sweaty and energized for the day. Previous exercise experienced is recommended. No sessions Sep 19 & Nov 7. Instructor: Paula Dickie Location: Gym A Tue & Thu | 10:15 - 11:15 am #16552 | Sep 12 - Dec 10 | $192 + gst Butts, Guts & Biceps Advanced Tue & Thu | 9:00 - 10:00 am #16553 | Sep 12 - Dec 10 | $192 + gst Paula - Small Group Training 16 years & up *HW WKH EHQHˋWV DQG UHVXOWV RI one on one personal training in this group strength training class. Improve your lifting form, FRQˋGHQFH ZLWK ZHLJKWV DQG increase full body strength/ PRELOLW\ ˌH[LELOLW\ DQG FRUH Participants will receive a structured workout plan each session. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Paula Dickie Location: Gym A Mon | 2:00 - 3:00 pm #16556 | Sep 16 - Oct 28 | $100 + gst #16557 | Nov 4 - Dec 2 | $80 + gst Wed | 6:45 - 7:45 am #16554 | Sep 18 - Oct 23 | $120 + gst #16555 | Oct 30 - Dec 4 | $120 + gst

Kickboxing Boot Camp 16 years & up Get stronger, release stress and have an amazing time in this bootcamp. Learn kickboxing skills while incorporating cardio and strength training using weights and various equipment. Finish off with core and mobility work and leave feeling strong and energized. No session Oct 16. Instructor: Laurel Dickson Location: Gym B Wed | 9:15 - 10:15 am #16639 | Sep 11 - Oct 23 | $48 + gst #16640 | Oct 30 - Dec 11 | $56 + gst Introduction to Foam Rolling 14 years & up Using a foam roller can look like child’s play but utilizing it correctly is the key to getting great results! Roll your way to better SRVWXUH JUHDWHU ˌH[LELOLW\ DQG total relaxation. Keep your muscles VXSSOH E\ SURPRWLQJ EORRG ˌRZ DQG increasing circulation for improved ˋWQHVV IXQFWLRQDOLW\ DQG P\RIDVFLDO UHOHDVH $OO ˋWQHVV OHYHOV ZHOFRPH No session Sep 30. Instructor: Glenny Whelan Location: Room C Mon | 10:30 - 11:30 am #16547 | Sep 23 - Oct 7 | $30 + gst

Postpartum Fitness Class 16 years & up It is never too late to strengthen and repair your body after giving birth. Strengthen your postpartum body, while improving posture , healing your core & reconnecting to \RXU SHOYLF ˌRRU

Instructor: Laurel Dickson Location: Lower Gazebo at Marina Park

Thu | 9:30 - 10:30 am #16567 | Sep 5 - Oct 3 | $50 + gst

Childminding available during some fitness classes; See page 112 for more info!


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