
Spin & Stretch with Michaela 14 years & up

Youth Spin & Strength 12 - 18 years This combo spin/strength & core class is a fun opportunity to workout to music you love in the company of your peers & classmates. Emphasis on FUN will be integrated throughout the whole class! No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Michaela Jelen Location: Annex Mon | 4:00 - 4:45 pm #16574 | Sep 9 - Dec 16 | $84 + gst

Fitness Strength 101 for Teens 12 - 18 years Ready to get strong? Our program teaches you the basics of lifting, emphasizing safety and proper form. Build a solid foundation for \RXU ˋWQHVV IXWXUH LQ D VXSSRUWLYH environment. Join us to boost your VWUHQJWK FRQˋGHQFH DQG RYHUDOO ˋWQHVV 1R VHVVLRQ 2FW Instructor: Justin Wolfe Location: MP Hall 2 Tue | 4:00 - 4:45 pm #16641 | Sep 10 - Oct 29 | $77 + gst #16642 | Nov 5 - Dec 10 | $66 + gst

Each class will be a combination of various cycling components’ and drills; long hill rides, short punchy FOLPEV ˌDW FDGHQFH LQWHUYDOV ZDWW based drills and even some HIIT sets. Never the same ride twice! Let the music inspire you to challenge \RXU RZQ ˋWQHVV )LQLVK ZLWK D thorough lower body stretch. No sessions Sep 30, Oct 14 & Nov 11. Instructor: Michaela Jelen Location: Annex Mon | 6:45 - 7:30 pm #16572 | Sep 9 - Dec 16 | $96 + gst Fri | 6:15 - 7:00 am #16573 | Sep 13 - Dec 13 | $112 + gst


Group Fitness Flex 16 years & up

Register for the Group Fitness Flex Class and have access to 11 classes per week during prime-time hours. Come as often as you want. No pre-booking, no hassle. Show up and work out! #16620 | Sep 3 - Dec 21 | $169 + gst Mon 9:05 am 60 min Room C Laura Power Flow Yoga 5:15 pm 60 min Gym A Michaela Strength & Cardio Circuit Tue 4:30 pm 45 min Annex Carol Spin & Core Wed 5:15 pm 60 min Room C TBD Pilates 101 5:15 pm 60 min Annex Paul Spin & Stretch Thu 5:15 pm 60 min Gym A Vicky Ball Strength & Stretch Fri 7:15 am 60 min Gym A Michaela Strength & Cardio Circuit 10:30 am 60 min Annex Leanne Spin & TRX Sat 8:30 am 60 min Room B Laura Power Flow Yoga 9:00 am 45 min Annex Laurel Cycle Beats 10:15 am 45 min Gym B Laurel Buff Body Circuit

We want to build a great program. Classes and schedules subject to change based on attendance and feedback.

COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 | comox.ca/rec


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