2023 Courtenay Annual Report


Social Media Social media followers capture the total number of followers on multiple social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram (launched in 2021). The City’s total social media followers increased by 7.2% in 2023. The City continues to be active on social media communicating policy decisions, engagement opportunities, program information, project updates and other initiatives in the community.

City Website Website Active Users The City uses Google Analytics to track traffic to the City’s website, courtenay.ca. In 2023 the City moved from Google’s Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. With this change, the benchmark for measuring website traffic has changed from “total visits” to “active users.” The Courtenay website saw 237,206 active users in 2023. This is a more accurate measure of actual traffic to the City website than previous metrics. Going forward, the City will report on total “active users” as the new benchmark for measuring traffic to the City website. How You Visit Us Mobile devices continue to be the most popular method for people to visit the City website. The City is working on a website upgrade starting in 2024 that will make it easier for mobile users to navigate the site and find what they’re looking for. The website redesign will update and enhance access to information using modern web design standards that meet current international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This includes prioritizing equitable access for all users including those using assisted devices such as screen readers. Communication Strategy Work progressed throughout much of the year on a comprehensive new Communication Strategy for the City, targeted to the specific needs of people who live, work, play and learn in Courtenay. The strategy includes recommendations, guidelines, and various tools and resources and an actionable communication plan to effectively inform residents. Public consultation on the project in 2023 included a workshop with organizations that serve equity-deserving communities as well as a youth survey. Council adopted the new Communication Strategy in early 2024, with updated processes and tools rolling out over time. Analysis completed for the Communication Strategy will also help shape a new Engagement Strategy project launching in 2024. With an actionable Communication Strategy, the City can more effectively inform residents about City services, policies, initiatives, processes, and operations.

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City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report


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