2023 Courtenay Annual Report

Good Governance

Strategic Plan for Bylaw Compliance The Strategic Plan for Bylaw Compliance will be the foundation for municipal bylaw regulations, promoting public safety and enhancing the overall quality of life for residents. The plan outlines six strategic objectives to guide efforts in bolstering community cohesion and regulatory efficacy: 1. Forging robust collaborations with community partners 2. Fostering transparent communication channels 3. Facilitating seamless inter-departmental coordination 4. Standardizing operational workflows 5. Optimizing resource allocation 6. Integrating trauma and culture-informed practices into enforcement methodologies The plan underscores the importance of nurturing strategic partnerships, promoting regulatory transparency and enhancing operational efficiencies. By embracing a proactive approach to bylaw compliance and prioritizing community-centric solutions, Courtenay will seek to build a culture of trust, cooperation and regulatory integrity. With implementation over a three-year period, rigorous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms will enabling ongoing assessment of progress and feedback, recalibrating as needed. The ultimate goal of the plan is cultivating a safe, harmonious, and resilient community.


City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report

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