courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
Special Interest JOB PREP (13 - 18 years) Get prepared to land your first job! Join us and gain valuable resume -building skills including customer service, phone etiquette, what to wear, and more. You will complete
YOUTH COUNCIL (9 - 17 years)
TEEN PAINT PARTY (13 - 18 years)
Develop leadership and teamwork skills through games, goal setting and skill building activities. Bring your friends, plan drop-in activi- ties, help with special events, and build your resume as you give back to your community. #8937 Thursdays January 6 - March 17 4:00 - 5:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room FREE
Grab your friends and join us for this teen-only paint night! Follow our step-by-step instruction while adding your own creative twist. Small snack and all supplies pro - vided. Fridays #9042 January 14 Winter Wonderland #9043 February 11 Walk in the Woods #9044 March 11
a resume, learn interview skills, and will receive a reference and certificate upon completion. #8935 Saturdays February 26 - March 19 2:00 - 4:30 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $50/4 HOMESCHOOLER REC (8 - 17 years) Are you homeschooling this year? Homeschooler Rec is back and offering you a special pre-regis - tered time slot to access The LINC Games Room and Indoor Skate - park. Wednesdays GROOVY GANG (8 - 12 years) Join us for tie-dye Tuesdays! Experiment with different tech - niques including bleached, ice, and a classic spiral with a salty twist. We will also enjoy other co - lourful projects to keep you busy creating. Bring your friends and get in on this latest trend which is making a comeback! #9040 Tuesdays #8932 January 5 - 26 #8933 February 2 - 23 1:00 - 3:00 pm LINC Youth Centre $8/4
Ocean Breeze 6:30 - 8:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $22/session
SPA & RELAXATION (10 - 16 years)
We all need a little relaxation in our lives. Dedicate to yourself this one hour a week to relax. Activities may include yoga, meditation, DIY bath bombs, and other self-care activities. #9056 Wednesdays February 16 - March 9 5:00 - 6:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $67/4
February 1 - 22 4:30 - 5:45 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $50/4
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