courtenay rec pages with hyperlinks
AERIAL ARTS This class is for aerialists with intermediate to advanced expe - rience. The focus will be on skill review, technique, artistic practice and rebuilding our strength and endurance. Each aerialist will have their own apparatus and train- ing area to accommodate social distancing. *Please refer to our website prior to class to review our other safety procedures and prepare for class. *7SC Member Fee: $21/ses- sion to be paid to the instructor. No class February 21. Youth Advanced (10 - 18 years) Mondays 4:00 - 5:30 pm #9033 January 10 - 31 #9034 February 7 - March 7 $140/4 Youth Intermediate (10 - 18 years) Thursdays 4:00 - 5:30 pm #9035 January 13 - February 10 #9036 February 17 - March 17 Lewis Centre Gym $175/5 Youth Intermediate/Advanced (10 - 18 years) Thursdays 6:00 - 7:30 pm #9031 January 13 - February 10 #9032 February 17 - March 17 Lewis Centre Gym $175/5 Adult Intermediate/Advanced (16 years & over) Mondays 6:00 - 7:30 pm #9029 January 10 - 31 #9030 February 7 - March 7 Lewis Centre Gym $140/4
COMMUNITY CIRCUS 2 (12 years & over) 7 Story Circus
Community Circus 2 is back! We’ll ease into being back together with social distanced ensemble work, small bubbles for partner work and focus on individual skill building. Activities include: aerial silks, hoop & rope, juggling, object manipulation, stilts, chair balance, handstands & conditioning, acrobatics, improv and performance games and more! A 7 Story Circus Member fee of $21/session is due to the instructor. Wednesdays
#9037 January 12 - February 9 #9038 February 16 - March 16 7:00 - 9:15 pm Lewis Centre Gym $200/5
Interested in a beginner silks class? Please email info@7storycircus.come to be added to our waitlist.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 |
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