Summer Program Flyer
Summer Fun at Courtenay Recreation
Outdoor Fitness, Daycamps, Adapted Programs, Golf and more!
Lewis Centre 250-338-5371 The LINC 250-334-8138 Filberg Centre 250-338-1000
Registered Drop-in Fitness
Cardio Chaos+ Butts& Gutts
6:00 am
Core& Sculpt+ 9:15am
Flow Yoga+
BootCamp Blast+
BootCamp Blast+
Zumba w/Milena
9:00 am
BUTTS & GUTTS Core and Glutes Galore! This fast and effec - tive strengthening and toning workout is taught so any level can participate. Quality of the workout will be the main focus, so control and technique are key components of this class! Instructor: Nancy Victoria July 20 - August 31 No class August 3 ZUMBA W/ MILENA This Latin infused dance class will burn tons of calories and make you sweat. You will shimmy, shake, and pump your chest in this one-hour fun class where you will work hard and smile your way through. You’ll expe - rience Bollywood, Belly Dance, Meringue, Salsa, Reggaeton, and more!! Instructor: Milena Spratt July 29 - September 2 FLOW YOGA Enjoy a Hatha style class that flows through movement and breath designed to help you connect with your body. Stretch out any kinks, improve your flexibility and tone your muscles under the gentle guidance of Daiana Gama. Suitable for those with experience in Sun Salu - tations. Instructor: Daiana Gama July 24 - September 4 CORE & SCULPT This is a 75 minute fitness class that will get you ready for the warm summer months and the beach! Using a mix of cardio, strength and abdominal training you’ll feel great in no time. Instructor: Luis Acosta July 25 - August 29 No class August 1
CARDIO CHAOS Get ready for a fun, high energy mix of cardio, strength and core. Led by your fun and knowl - edgeable instructors, you’ll start your week off by improving your overall strength, focusing on sculpting your core and improving your cardio with a variety of exercises! Instructor: Tammy Jones/ Signi Caine July 27 - August 31 No class August 3 CHISELED This hour long, high rep, low weight class, mixed in with anaerobic cardio throughout is guaranteed to help speed up your metabo - lism! Instructor: Nancy Victoria July 22 - September 2 BOOTCAMP BLAST In this sweaty bootcamp workout you’ll get your butt kicked with a mix of equipment based and bodyweight only exercises. This dynamic class combines cardio, functional training and conditioning exercises. It’s all about working hard, facing a challenge and getting results! Get ready to blast every part of your body! Instructor: Steve Thomson
Tuesdays July 21 - September 1 Thursdays July 23 - September 3
ClassLevels Beginner/Intermediate Intermediate/Challenging Challenging +75minuteclass $6.50/registeredDrop-in all classes are outdoors at the Lewis Centre and may be subject to change or weather permitting
Children GET READY GOLF (6 - 16 years)
This program covers the basic fun - damentals of the golf swing posture, grip, stance and strike. With these 4 fundamentals your young golfer will be ready to go out and hit golf balls. This program is a starting point for the rest of their lives in golf. At the end of the program the golfers will be taken out to The Park for a fun quick round of golf. Included in the program is 4 clinics and 1 round of golf. Wednesdays August 5 - 26 and Sunday August 30
PARKTIME (K - 8 years) Monday - Friday weekly starting July 6 - September 4 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Park $150 DISCOVERY CAMP (8 - 11 years) Monday - Friday weekly starting July 6 - September 4 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Park $150 KIDS PLAY Monday - Friday weekly starting July 6 - September 4 8:00 - 9:00 am or 4:00 - 5:00 pm Lewis Park $25 ADAPTED SUMMER EXPLORERS (9 - 13 years) Summer Explorers are summer programs for children with diverse abilities. The en - thusiastic and friendly staff let you tackle summer at your own pace. With a dedi - cated calm program space, a personalized activity schedule, and easy access to fun camp atmosphere and activities, you can have summer your way. Monday - Friday weekly starting July 6 - September 4 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Cozy Corner $80/5
1:30 - 2:30 pm (10 - 16 years) 3:30 - 4:30 pm (6 - 9 years) Crown Isle Golf Club $125
ADAPTED ADVENTURE BUDDIES (6 - 9 years) Adventure Buddies are summer programs for children with diverse abilities. The en - thusiastic and friendly staff let you tackle summer at your own pace. With a dedi - cated calm program space, a personalized activity schedule, and easy access to fun camp atmosphere and activities, you can have summer your way. Monday - Friday weekly starting July 6 - September 4 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Cozy Corner $80/5
Youth SUMMER SK8/SCOOT SCHOOL (7 - 12 years) Do you wish you could kick your skateboard or scootering skills up a notch? Don’t worry this school will get your wheels spinning! Paired with fun outdoor games, you will be able to develop in the sport of skateboarding at the outdoor skatepark as staff help you learn tricks and how to ride the different obstacles of the skatepark. July 20 - 24 Skateboarding August 10 - 14 Skateboarding & Scootering 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Valley View Outdoor Skatepark $117/5 Hey Tweens let’s get your summer party started! We’ll keep you busy with active play, outdoor adventures, cool activities and opportunities to cruise the skatepark riding scooters or skateboards. Get ready for an awesome week! July 27 - 31 August 24 - 28 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Valley View Outdoor Skatepark $135/5 Let’s dive into your artistic side this summer! Experiment with different paints, pastels and messy art fun each day as you complete cool, independent projects that will get your cre - ative juices flowing. We’ll break up the days with activities that get you out into nature, and keep cool this week! August 4 - 7 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Outside The LINC and Lewis Park $170/5 TWEEN TAKEOVER (8 - 13 years) ART ATTACK & SPLASH (9 - 15 years)
Want to refine your skateboarding or get an edge up on your friends? Are you brand new to the sport and don’t know where to start? Take a private lesson – or semi-pri - vate lesson with a friend – with our instruc - tors and get trips and tricks to help keep you progressing. Rentals available. Monday - Friday
July 20 - 24, 12:45 - 1:30 pm July 27 - 31, 9:00 - 9:45 am August 10 - 14, 12:45 - 1:30 pm August 24 - 28, 9:00 - 9:45 am Valley View Outdoor Skatepark $22/private $29/semi-private
SUMMER STEM (11 - 15 years) Bring your creativity and curiosity and get ready for a week of science, technology and exploration! In this hands-on camp, we will delve into all that is STEM (sci - ence, technology, engineering and math) through games, building challenges, cool experiments, water play and more! Rock - ets, robots, reactions - this camp will be RAD! August 17 - 21 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Outside The LINC and Lewis Park $185/5 schedule, and easy access to fun camp atmosphere and activities, you can have summer your way. Monday - Friday weekly starting August 4 - 28 9:00 am - 4:00 pm The LINC Youth Centre $80/5 TEEN ODYSSEY Teen Odyssey is a summer program for teens with diverse abilities. The enthusias - tic and friendly staff let you tackle summer at your own pace. With a dedicated calm program spaqce, a personalized activity
Adapted Programs SIZZLIN’ SUMMER (18 years & over)
SUNNY DAYS BINGO (16 years & over)
Let’s get the summer dance party started! Register with your friends and join Tammy for this fitness and dance inspired class! All abilities and levels welcome! Let’s get movin’ and groovin’! Class will take place outdoors so please dress for the weather. Simms Park/Pavilion Tuesdays July 28 - August 26, 10:00 - 11:00 am FREE
Grab your sunscreen, hat and sunglasses and get ready for some fun in the sun! Join us for a spirited game of BINGO. Prizes for everyone! Sign up for 1 or join us for all 3! Simms Park/Pavilion
Monday July 27 10:00 - 11:15 am Wednesday August 12 1:00 - 2:15 pm Thursday September 3 10:00 - 11:15 am FREE
SUMMER SOCIALS (18 years & over)
PICNIC PARTY & TALENT SHOW (18 years & over) It’s time to show us your stuff! Have you been working on a new talent at home? Pack a picnic lunch, register with your friends and get ready to share your talents in the summer sun! Cool summer treat included. Lewis Park Stage Wednesday August 5 12:00 - 2:00 pm FREE
Come out and enjoy a beautiful summer evening! We’ll keep you busy with awesome out trips and activities! August 4 - Tie Dye T-shirts
August 11 - Goose Spit August 18 - Plant Party August 25 - Air Park Adventure Tuesdays
August 4 - 25 6:00 - 8:00 pm FREE
SCAVENGER HUNT (18 years & over) Let’s go on a summer adventure! We’ll look for clues and complete tasks together. Bring your friends and get ready for some fun! Prizes included. Lewis Park Thursday August 28 6:00 - 8:00 pm FREE
SUMMER SPORTS (18 years & over)
Get active and have fun this summer! Each week we’ll play some summer sport sta - ples like bocce, croquet, horseshoes, bad - minton, mini-golf and outdoor pickleball. Simms Park & Lewis Park Fridays August 7 - September 4 10:00 - 11:30 am FREE
Thank you to the Comox Valley Community Foundation for the support that allows us to offer these programs for free.
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