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Courtenay Official Community Plan
Review of Courtenay’s Official Community Plan Coming in 2025
Courtenay’s Official Community Plan (OCP) was updated and adopted in 2022. OCPs are long-range policy plans that guide a local government’s decision-making related to growth and development approvals as well as other community interests such as housing, infrastructure, community amenities and protection of the natural environment. Due to new provincial legislation around housing and land use, the OCP will be reviewed in 2025. Provincial housing and land use legislation changes introduced: detached accessory dwelling units like garden suites, carriage homes, or laneway homes, duplexes (side-by-side or up/down), a duplex with suites or a four-unit townhouse.
In 2023 the provincial government passed the Housing Statutes Amendment Act, Bill 44. This Act requires that local governments conduct 20 year Housing Needs Reports every five years and use that information to update OCPs, as well as zone sufficient land for these housing needs. The deadline for an OCP and Zoning Bylaw update is December 31, 2025. As part of Bill 44, the provincial government also directed that local governments permit up to four small-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH) units on properties zoned for single residential or duplex use and provided a deadline of June 30, 2024 to amend Zoning Bylaws. To understand what the new provincial land use and housing legislation changes mean for Courtenay, the City obtained a Complete Communities grant from the Union of B.C. Municipalities. For more information on the Provincial housing initiatives Courtenay land use and housing updates: Courtenay’s Zoning Bylaw has been amended with the creation of a new Residential Small-scale Multi-unit Housing (R-SSMUH) Zone that permits density along with a number of other zoning amendments. This new zone replaced 16 existing residential zones and affects approximately 5650 properties within Courtenay’s boundaries. Provided that all zoning and other development requirements are met, these properties may now develop up to four dwelling units of any configuration such as: secondary suites in single residential dwellings, and legislation introduced in 2023, visit: www2.gov.bc.ca/housinginitatives
Housing Needs Report 2024: In partnership with other local governments, Courtenay updated the Housing Needs Report which indicates that approximately 418 new dwelling units a year are required in order to keep pace with existing and anticipated housing demand. This is approximately the current construction pace since 2019 within Courtenay. A large portion of the demand is for affordable/ below-market or deeply affordable dwelling units. More information on Courtenay’s 2024 Housing Needs Report is available at: courtenay.ca/housingreport What does this all mean for Courtenay’s OCP? Courtenay’s OCP will be reviewed for opportunities to incorporate the new provincial legislation. Community consultation will form part of the OCP update in 2025. Stay tuned for updates on how to learn more and get involved by viewing the Courtenay’s website and social media.
Access the OCP: courtenay.ca/OCP Council’s Strategic Priorities: courtenay.ca/ strategicplan
City of Courtenay | 250-334-4441 | courtenay.ca/ocp
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