Spring and Summer hyperlinks with cover

Volunteer Opportunities

National Volunteer Week is April 27 - May 3 and is a great time to start your volunteering journey!

The Salvation Army Volunteer with us today!

Courtenay Recreation VOLUNTEERING . . . a FUN and Healthy Lifestyle. Volunteers needed for pre-school and children’s programs, The LINC Youth Centre, Special Events and Adapted Programs. Requirements: Enthusiasm, interest in helping the community, creativity is a bonus. A clean Criminal Record Check (all persons aged 18+). Volunteer schedules are flexible. No minimum required. www.courtenay.ca/rec Call 250-338-5371 Habitat for Humanity At Habitat for Humanity, volunteers are our su perheroes – the driving force behind our mission to build stronger communities. Whether you’re swinging a hammer on a build site, helping out at one of our ReStores, or lending a hand at fun community events, there’s a place for YOU to make a real impact. Are you 16+ and eager to roll up your sleeves and make a difference? We’ve got exciting opportuni ties for you to join the Habitat crew and help us build more affordable housing in the community! Want to get involved? Reach out today at volun teer@habitatnorthisland.com or visit habitatnor thisland.com for more info. Come volunteer with us and discover how rewarding it is to build something truly special!

Join our team at The Salvation Army to bring hope where there is hardship. Help us meet holistic needs and be a transforming influence! Call Andrea to volunteer (250) 338-8221 because, Everyone Needs An Army. www.comoxvalleysa.ca

MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre is looking for volun teers! Work with animals directly in our Wildlife Hospital as a caregiver, tell our patients’ story in our Visitor Centre as a guide, or help out in other ways including animal transport, small construction projects, helping in our gift shop, native plant resto

ration, special events, and more, Visit marswildliferescue.com .

The Gardens on Anderton More than just gardeners are needed at The Gar dens on Anderton. We need people to host visitors, help in our gift/snack shop, assist with entry to concerts and more all in a beautiful garden setting. For more information e-mail: thegardensonanderton@gmail.com , check our website: www.gardensonanderton.org or visit in person: 2012 Anderton Rd (behind Anderton Nursery).

Volunteer Spotlight: Roger Walker Roger has dedicated countless hours to volunteering with Courtenay Recreation, sharing his life long passion for Archery. He first picked up a bow when he was 11 years old, and has been actively engaged in the sport for the last 24 years partici pating in Seniors Games, building bows and volunteering in our community. Roger is known for his kindness and enthusiasm and encourages everyone to try archery as he has found it pro vides a fun way to stay active and perceptive. Thank you, Roger for all you do for our community! If you would like to volunteer with Courtenay Recreation and share or learn new skills, you can get more information at courtenay.ca/volunteers or by calling the Lewis Centre at 250-338-5371 or the Filberg Centre 250-338-1000.


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