Spring and Summer hyperlinks with cover
Courtenay Active Living
Yin/Restorative Yoga Both of these styles of Yoga are quiet, floor-based practices. Both provide deep benefits to your body and require a willing ness to pause and breathe - in stillness. Yin Yoga stimulates harder tissues in the body and can sometimes create strong sensations for you to navigate; Restorative Yoga is just deep ly relaxing. In this series, we will alternate between them: one week will be Yin, the next, Restorative - the best of both worlds. Prerequisite: at least one year of yoga experience. No class April 18 & May 16. Instructor: Catherine Reid Fridays #15683 April 11 - June 27 $150/10 #16446 July 18 - August 29 $105/7 10:00 - 11:30 am Native Sons Lodge & Dining Room various yoga poses which will connect your body, mind and spirit. Flow through these move ments with your body, control your breathing and end with a gratifying shavasana all while surrounded by the beauty of na ture. Please bring your own mat as equipment will not be provid ed for this offsite class. No class July 28 & August 4. Instructor: Susan Obieglo #16542 Mondays July 7 - August 25 6:30 - 7:30 pm Arden Elementary $72/6 Outdoor Summer Yoga Come experience yoga while you bask in the evening glow of sum mer. During this serene experi ence you will be guided through
Mens Yoga This 75 minute Men’s Yoga class is specifically designed for targeting the muscles and joints which will increase your range of motion. The sessions will include poses that improve posture and balance and decrease soreness due to tight muscles. This class will include seated and standing postures. No class April 21 & May 19. Instructor: Susan Obieglo #15673 Mondays April 14 - June 23 7:15 - 8:30 pm Native Sons Lodge & Dining Room $117/9
Chair Yoga for Everybody (18 years & over)
This is a chair yoga practice that is accessible to people with all kinds of bodies. Chair Yoga is a great practice! It’s not only for people who are older or have mobility issues. With this practice you’ll work on improv ing flexibility and strength and calming your mind and nervous system. Instructor: Akiko Shima Thursdays #15667 April 10 - June 26 $144/12 #16439 July 10 - August 28 $96/8 9:30 - 10:30 am Native Sons Lodge & Dining Room
55+ Yoga - Ongoing A blend of styles (based in Hatha
Register Online: yoga) with a mixture of floor and standing work. Options for in creasing challenge and deepening awareness. A mixed level class with a thorough warm-up and poses to improve flexibility, balance, strength, and posture. Previous Hatha yoga or similar experience required. No class April 18, May 16 & August 8. Instructor: Sheron Jutila Fridays #15663 April 11 - June 20 $135/9 #16437 July 18 - August 29 $90/6 10:00 - 11:30 am Native Sons Grand Hall
See page 135
Program Registration starts Monday March 10
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