Spring and Summer hyperlinks with cover

Courtenay Adult - Spring/Summer

Sushi, Plus Other Japanese Fare

Nutrition Strategies for Perimenopause and Menopause Are you experiencing a shift in your hormones and starting perimenopause or menopause? This period brings many chang es in the body that nutrition can support. With a registered dietitian, let’s learn a bit more together about this transition and support wellbeing through nutrition. Instructor: Erin Roman, RD #15739 Saturday May 3 10:00 - 11:30 am Lewis Meeting Room #15740 Tuesday June 3 6:30 - 8:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room #15744 Saturday July 26 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $39 Instructor: Erin Roman, RD #15738 Wednesday April 16 10:00 - 11:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $39 #15743 Wednesday July 16 9:30 - 11:00 am Filberg Conference Hall $39 Sustaining Health: Nutritional Essentials for Seniors Do you ever wonder if you are getting enough nutrients for your overall health and well being? Do you find yourself hungry, experience cravings or struggling with digestive issues? In this course, with a registered dietitian, we will review nutrition tips to support your health with easy and practical strategies that you can incorporate right away into your daily living.

Optimizing Digestion with Nutrition Do you have issues with your di gestion? Come learn some easy way to support optimal diges tion with a registered dietitian. This workshop includes a high fiber cooking demo. Instructor: Erin Roman, RD #15741 Saturday May 3 1:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $39 #15745 Saturday July 26 Mexican Vegetarian Come and spend time with the chef and learn some marvelous Mexican recipes. The menu includes smoked tofu and pinto bean enchiladas; a black bean, orange and chipotle soup; and two types of fresh salsa. Enjoy a meal at the end of the class or bring some containers to take some food home with you. Instructor: Sonja Limberger #15812 Saturday April 5 1:30 - 4:30 pm Upper Kitchen $89

Refreshing Summer Recipes Chef Sonja’s chilling recipes for those hot summer days are yours to discover. The creations you will learn are a creamy raw tomato soup, pumpkin pate nori rolls, sunny almond spread and a raw desert. There will be some hands on in this class. Enjoy a meal after the lesson. Bring to go containers. Instructor: Sonja Limberger #15814 Friday May 9 6:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $89 Learn how to make some joyful Japanese recipes. There will be hands-on Sushi making, and a demonstration of a Tofu Shitake Teriyaki that Chef Sonja devel oped while working at The Naam restaurant. Bring your appetite, an apron, and a few containers in case of leftovers. Instructor: Sonja Limberger #15813 Monday April 14 6:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $89

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $39

See page 135

Program Registration starts Monday March 10


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