Spring and Summer hyperlinks with cover
Courtenay Summer Daycamps
Summer SK8 School (6 - 8 years) Do you wish you could kick your skateboard skills up a notch? Don’t worry this school will get your wheels spinning! Paired with lots of fun and games, you will be able to develop in the sport of skateboarding as staff help you learn tricks and how to ride the different obsta cles at the indoor and outdoor skateparks. No camp July 7 or August 4. Tuesday - Friday #15878 July 8 - 11 #15903 August 5 - 8 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Gymnastics Day Camp (8 - 10 years)
Gymnastics & Trampoline Camp (6 - 11 years)
Let’s combine your love of gym nastics and the fun of summer camp! Start your day with games in the park before moving to the gym for coaching and skill de velopment in gymnastics. Run, jump, swing and stretch as you build your skills this week! After, head back to the park for more awesome games, activities and trips to the outdoor pool. #15915 Monday - Friday August 25 - 29 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Vern Nichols Gymnasium $225/5
Whether you are a beginner or a more accomplished gymnast, you’ll have a great time in this special camp! Learn new skills, and develop your strength, flex ibility, balance, and more, as we work out on all apparatus. Daily challenges and progressions will be set to your individual levels. Monday - Friday August 18 - 22 #15916 9:00 - 10:30 am (6 - 8 years) #16512 1:00 - 2:30 pm (9 - 11 years) Vern Nichols Gym $135/5
LINC Indoor Skatepark & Valley View Outdoor Skatepark $120/4
Parkour Kidz (7 - 13 years)
Try out the challenging and fun world of Parkour - the practice of traversing obstacles in a man-made or natural environment. Run, vault, roll and move through the obstacles as you practice and build your skills through different challenges and games. Monday - Friday July 14 - 18
Summer Skateboarding - Private Lessons (6 years & over)
Want to refine your skateboard ing or get an edge up on your friends? Are you brand new to the sport and don’t know where to start? Take a private lesson with our instructors and get tips and tricks to help keep you progressing. Tuesday/Thursday lessons are at The LINC Indoor Skatepark, while Wednesday/ Friday lessons are at Valley View Outdoor Skatepark Tuesday (LINC) July 8 or August 5 Wednesday (Valley View)
#16508 9:00 - 10:30 am (7 - 9 years) #16509 1:15 - 2:45 pm (9 - 11 years) August 18 - 22 #16510 2:30 - 4:00 pm (11 - 13 years) Vern Nichols Gym $135/5 Family Gymnastics (all-ages w/ an adult) Get ready to run, jump, swing, bounce and play together as you explore the best indoor play ground around! Adult participa tion required. Monday - Friday #16504 July 14 - 18 10:30 - 11:30 am #16505 August 18 - 22 10:30 - 11:30 am #16506 August 25 - 29 9:00 - 10:00 am #16507 August 25 - 29 1:00 - 2:00 pm Vern Nichols Gym $6.50/drop-in
July 9 or August 6 Thursday (LINC) July 10 or August 7 Friday (Valley View) July 11 or August 8 12:30 - 1:15 pm or 1:30 - 2:15 pm $25/lesson
Summer Program Registration starts Monday April 28 See page 135
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