Spring and Summer hyperlinks with cover
Leadership/Certification Food Safe Level 1 (13 years & over) Train to become an employ SB
Courtenay Youth - Spring
Babysitter Training (11 - 18 years) Join us for this fun, informative course as we cover important in formation to help prepare you to be a babysitter! Topics include: managing challenging behaviors, leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter, first aid, managing risks and emergen cies, child development, how to feed, diaper, dress and play with children and babies and starting your babysitting business. Refer ence Manuals and information from Canada Safety Council. Sunday
Fire Fighter Basic Training (13 years & over) Challenge your physical and mental abilities as you train with the Courtenay Fire Department. This fun day will educate you about the volunteer and career opportunities in firefighting. Ac tivities may include extinguisher training, auto extraction, build ing searches and more. Please bring a lunch to fuel you for the day. #15286 Tuesday March 18 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Macdonald Fire Training Centre $39 Red Cross Emergency First Aid & CPR C (13 years & over) Join us for a one-day course covering the ABC’s of first aid - airway, breathing and circula tion. We’ll cover how to deal with obstructed airways, breathing distress and how to control bleeding/wound care. As well, you’ll learn one-person CPR, and more. A 3-year certificate will be issued at the end of the course upon successful completion. #15285 Wednesday March 19 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Outdoor Pool Office $135 SB SB
able food handler in the service industry. Learn about safe food handling methods and food preparation techniques. Certif icates are awarded upon suc cessful completion of the pro gram. A must for resumes! #15212 Thursday March 20
Native Sons Lower Lodge
#15720 Friday June 27
LINC Multipurpose Room 9:00 am - 4:00 pm $98
High Five ® Principles of Healthy Childhood Development (14 years & over) This 4-hour training equips front-line leaders working with children 4 - 12 years (i.e. camp counsellor, coaches, after school staff, swim instructors) with the tools to immediately enhance the quality of the programs they are leading and arms them with the tools to ensure they understand what they need to do to ensure each child’s social, emotional and cognitive needs are met. #16511 Saturday June 14
#15424 April 13 #15425 May 11 #15426 June 8
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $95
Volunteer Information Night (12 years & over)
Looking to brush up on your skills before hopping into sum mer volunteering? Join our Sum mer Training Series! Each week we will cover a different aspect of Summer Volunteering. Join us for all or pick your sessions! Get volunteer credits for each session you attend! For more in depth skill building opportunities, please see our “LIT” Programs or check out our other Leader ship opportunities on page 100. Check receipt for locations. Wednesdays #15614 April 30 Info Night #16523 June 4 Volunteering 101 #16525 June 11 Leadership & Play #16526 June 18 Safety & Team Building #16527 June 25 Volunteer Practice & Review 4:00 - 5:30 pm FREE
10:00 am - 3:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $95
Spring Program Registration starts Monday March 10 Summer Program Registration starts Monday April 28
See page 135
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