Spring and Summer hyperlinks with cover

Basketball Skills & Games (8 - 10 years) Sports

Courtenay Children - Spring

Balanced Kids Yoga (6 - 10 years) With fun mindfulness games and yoga, children will move, breathe dance, play and meditate to feel peace within and… have lots of fun! Instructor: Emily Bailey Yoga #16467 Wednesdays

First Tee Golf (7 - 9 years)

Come join our interactive and immersive First Tee program today! Children will play fun interactive golf games to help develop golfing skills at a young age. Coaches are First Tee certi fied and trained to help in player development. #15762 Tuesdays

Get a chance to develop your basketball skills and techniques with other kids from the commu nity! You’ll learn ball handling, passing and shooting skills, plus get the chance to put those skills into play through scrimmages each week. #15757 Wednesdays April 9 - June 18 Home Learner Archery (9 - 12 years) Learn the history of archery as we cover important skills and safety including proper handling of equipment, rules and tech niques to keep you progressing. You’ll learn the proper stance, how to nock an arrow, draw the bowstring, aim and release the arrow. Through different games and activities you’ll improve your accuracy and consistency and develop strength and endurance to help improve your skills. No 4:15 - 5:15 pm Lewis MP Hall $115/11

April 2 - May 7 3:45 - 4:30 pm Lewis Salish Building $90/6

April 8 - May 13 3:15 - 4:15 pm Lewis MP Hall $65/6

Sports Foundations (8 - 13 years)

Beginner Archery (7 - 10 years)

Explore a variety of sports while focusing on the fundamentals. Each week we’ll run, jump, throw, catch or kick our way through different games, sports and skills that will keep you building your skills and having fun. Sports may include soccer, flag football, basketball, volley ball, kickball and more. Thursdays May 1 - June 12 #16465 3:30 - 4:30 pm 8 - 10 years #16466 4:45 - 5:45 pm 11 - 13 years Lewis Soccer Field $75/7

Learn the basics of using a bow and arrow. Challenge yourself as you develop co-ordination, strength, a sharp eye, listening skills and more. You’ll gain an understanding of this fun, histor ical sport! No class April 18. #15431 Fridays April 4 - June 13

3:15 - 4:15 pm Lewis MP Hall $120/10

#15430 Saturdays

April 5 - June 14 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $132/11

class April 18. #15433 Fridays

Soccer Kids (K - 10 years) Get ready for some soccer! We’ll work on developing your dribbling, passing and shooting skills. Fun games, activities and scrimmages will help you feel more confident and help get you used to playing with teammates. No class April 21 or May 19 . Mondays April 7 - June 16 #15604 3:00 - 4:00 pm K - 7 years #15605 4:00 - 5:00 pm 8 - 10 years Lewis MP Hall $95/9

April 4 - June 13 2:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $120/10

Floor Hockey (K - 10 years)

Grab your stick and join your friends for some good old-fash ioned hockey fun. We will prac tice skills like passing, shooting and stick handling and end the day with a scrimmage. Thursdays April 17 - June 19 #15759 3:30 - 4:30 pm K - 7 years #15760 4:30 - 5:30 pm 8 - 10 years Lewis MP Hall $109/10

Spring Program Registration starts Monday March 10 Summer Program Registration starts Monday April 28

See page 135


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