Spring and Summer hyperlinks with cover

Comox Valley Emergency Management

Prepare for Disaster. Recover Faster. Emergency Preparedness can be: • Knowing the hazards in your area • Building an emergency kit • Making a plan

CVRD Emergency Management

• Registering for emergency notifications • Starting a Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Team (NEPP)

Protect Your Home with FireSmart™ FireSmart is a community-based program that provides tips, resources and activities to increase your community’s defense against wildfire. For a free FireSmart evaluation call your local fire department. FireSmart™, Intelli-feu and other associated Marks are trademarks of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.

Tips to FireSmart Your Home


Get prepared and find ways to reduce your risk exposure to hazards and extreme weather. For more information, visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/emergency



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