Spring Summer full guide

THE ART CAMP (8 - 12 years)

The Art Camp offers an inspiring summer adventure for creative minds. Through hands-on proj ects of various mediums and visits to local art galleries, come ready to experience a week of fostering creativity, self expres sion and art! Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit for post-art water activities and swimming. #13934 Monday - Friday

August 19 - 23 9:00 - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $215/5

COOKS & CRAFTS (K - 9 years)

Creative Pursuits DRAWING & PAINTING: SUMMER BASICS (8 - 14 years) COMIC BOOK CAMP (8 - 12 years)

Tantalize your taste buds and satisfy your imagination as you create savory dishes and craft the day away. At the end of the week you will bring home a book of tasty recipes and creative craft creations. We will also mix in fun outdoor activities! Partici pants must have finished kinder garten or be 6 years of age to register. #13728 Monday - Friday July 15 - 19 PUPPETRY INTENSIVE (9 - 13 years) Enter the world of puppets this week as we explore the ABCs of puppetry. We will create differ ent types of puppets, and learn how to make them “come alive” while exploring our imagination and making new friends. #13974 Monday - Friday July 29 - August 2 1:00 - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $150/5 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $225/5

Love reading comic books and graphic novels? Spend the week diving into the art of comic books. Use drawing and painting to create your characters and stories. Get creative by bringing your own storytelling ideas to life! Visual storytelling enhanc es literary skills, can engage reluctant readers and ignites the imagination. This camp empowers kids to develop their own voice! Throughout the week campers will take a break from writing and drawing to enjoy fun recreational games and activi ties. #13727 Monday - Friday July 22 - 26

Develop basic drawing & paint ing techniques as you explore a variety of skills with Disney Cartoonist, David Thrasher. Use bold & beautiful colors to draw imaginative one-of-a-kind proj ects with success! This summer program is sure to ignite your imagination! Instructor: David Thrasher Monday - Friday #13623 July 22 - 26 #13624 August 19 - 23 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Meeting Room $75/5 Have fun making puppets and work together with new friends to create your very own puppet shows! #13973 Monday - Friday July 29 - August 2 PUPPET PALOOZA (6 - 10 years)


9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $215/5

Want an easy way to plan your summer? See pages 62 - 63 for the Summer At A Glance planner

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $150/5

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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