Spring Summer full guide




ONE GUIDE, two seasons! See inside cover for Spring and Summer registration dates


19 Wing Comox







ONE GUIDE, two seasons! We’ve now combined Spring & Summer programs into one guide, giving you early access to plan your favourite summer activities! One guide, two separate registration dates! Here’s how to navigate this guide: Spring & Summer program registration starts Monday March 11 7KLV LQFOXGHV ERWK VSULQJ VXPPHU SURJUDPV IRU DGXOWV ȴWQHVV PRUH - CVRD spring & summer swim lessons Summer Camp registration starts Monday April 15 Any programs with orange activity codes registration starts on this date This includes: summer camps & swim lessons at the Outdoor Pool * Please note: CVRD registration is ongoing








cfmws.com 250-339-8211 Ext. 252-8315

comox.ca/rec 250-339-2255

comoxvalleyrd.ca/rec 250-334-9622

250-338-5371 250-338-1000


What’s Inside . . .

2 Cumberland Recreation 12 Courtenay Recreation 103 CVRD Sports & Aquatic Centres

Spring Registration starts Monday March 11 Summer Registration starts Monday April 15 cumberland.ca/rec Spring Registration starts Monday March 11 Summer Registration starts

Monday April 15 courtenay.ca/rec

Spring & Summer swim lesson Registration starts March 11 All other program regisration is ongoing comoxvalleyrd.ca/rec Spring Registration starts Monday March 11 Summer Registration starts Monday April 15 cfmws.com/comox Spring & Registration starts Monday March 11 at 6:00 am Summer Camp Registration starts Monday April 15 at 6:00 am comox.ca/rec

132 19 Wing Comox

136 Comox Recreation

Adapted Programs for Diverse Abilities....................................38 Volunteer Opportunities............................................................179 Financial Assistance for Recreation..........................................192 Community Groups..........................................................180 - 192 Community Directory................................................................190

“We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which we recreate is the traditional unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.”

Don’t miss out! Keep this guide until August 31!

Cover photo by Sara Kempner Photography

Fall Registration starts Monday August 12




Admission & Membership Rates These rates apply to the fitness studio and most Drop-in Programs (see page 3). Note that programs included with membership are subject to change.

Spring Hours April 2 - May 31: Monday to Friday: 7am - 9pm Weekends: 9am - 4:30pm Summer Hours June 1 - September 3: Monday to Thursday: 7am - 9pm Friday: 7am - 4:30pm Weekends: closed Facilities Closed: May 20 - Victoria Day July 1 - Canada Day August 5 - B.C. Day September 2 - Labour Day Registration Info Spring/Summer programs: (excluding summer camps) - Registration begins Monday, March 11 @ 7:00 am. Summer Camps: Registration begins Monday, April 15 @ 7:00 am. Online : cumberland.ca/recprograms By Phone: 250-336-2231

Early Years

Child/Youth Ages 5-18



Ages 0-4

Ages 19-59 Ages 60+

Single Visit: 1 Month:





$10 $60




1 Year:




Children 12 and under are not permitted in the fitness studio; teens 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult.

Did you get your membership card yet? If you’re a Cumberland Recreation member, you may have already received a membership card that you can scan at our front counter to quickly and easily access the fitness studio without the need to sign in or wait in line. Effective September 3rd , all members will be required to scan in using their membership card to access the fitness studio, so ask for your card during your next visit. Don’t want to carry around another card? Take a photo of it and scan in using your phone!


Childminding is offered during this program

New program

VILLAGE OF CUMBERLAND | 250-336-2231 | cumberland.ca/recreation


Drop-In Programs Regular admission rates apply. Drop-in programs run April 2 - Aug 31 unless noted otherwise. Drop-in programs are free with a Cumberland Recreation Membership. See page 2 for details.

SQUASH Squash Courts


Our courts are open during regular facility hours; call 250-336-2231 to reserve a spot. Balls and rental racquets available if needed. YOUTH FLOOR HOCKEY 5-16 • Gymnasium Canada’s most iconic sport, sans ice. Drop-in for a fun game of floor hockey. Thursdays Apr 4 - June 27 6:00 - 7:30 pm Bring your blaster or use one of ours, set up the mats as shields and let the battle begin! We pro vide Elite & Rival Nerf rounds. $4/child Instructor: Spencer Vallintine Sundays Apr 7 - May 26 3:00 - 4:15 pm NERF BATTLES 6-16 yrs • Gymnasium Come kick it with us old school! Roller skates and protective gear are not provided and helmets are strongly recommended. Friday evenings are facilitated by mem bers of the Brick House Betties. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Fridays Apr 5 - May 31 7:15 - 8:45pm No Roller Skating Apr 5, 19, & May 3 ROLLER SKATING All ages • Gymnasium

PICKLEBALL All ages • Gymnasium Drop in for a fun, fast and social game of pickleball Mondays Apr 8 - Jun 24 Advanced 8:00 - 10:00 am Tuesdays Apr 2 - Jun 25 Intermediate 1:00 - 3:00 pm Wednesdays Apr 3 - Jun 26 Advanced 8:00 - 10:30 am Intermediate 10:30 - 12:30 am Beginner 12:30 - 2:30 pm Thursdays Apr 4 - Jun 27 All Levels 7:45 - 8:45 pm Fridays Apr 5 - Aug 30 Advanced 8:00 - 10:30 am Intermediate 10:30 - 12:30 am Beginner 12:30 - 2:30 pm Sundays Apr 7 - May 26 All levels 9 - 10:30 am No pickleball May 15 & Jun 7. BADMINTON All ages • Gymnasium Gymnasium is open for self-super vised badminton. Tuesdays Apr 2 - Aug 27 5:00 - 7:00 pm Sundays Apr 7 - May 26 1:00 - 2:30 pm TABLE TENNIS Moncrief Hall Play with members of the Cumber land Table Tennis Club or practice your skills with our table tennis robot. Facilitator: Adam Kuzma Wednesdays Apr 3 - Aug 28 All Ages 2:00 - 5:00 pm Fridays Apr 5 - Aug 30 Youth 4:00 - 5:30 pm All Ages 5:30 - 9:00 pm Sundays Apr 7 - Aug 25 All Ages 1:30 - 4:30 pm

BASKETBALL 5+ • Gymnasium These fun-forward drop-in games are open to all genders and abilities. Pre-registration is highly recommended. Please note that LEAP passes cannot be used for 16+ basketball, but FAIR credits can. (See p.2 for details.) Mondays (16+) 6:00 - 8:45 pm #FR9011 Apr 8 - Jun 24 #FR9068 July 8 - Aug 26 No Basketball Jul 8 & Aug 5 Thursdays (youth) Jul 11 - Aug 29 5:00 - 7:00 pm OPEN GYM Gymnasium • Our gym is open for self-supervised basketball, floor hockey, soccer, badminton, free play and more. Wednesdays Apr 3 - Jun 26 Youth (9 - 15 yrs) 2:45 - 5:30 Saturdays April 6 - May 25 Family (3 - 12 yrs) 12:00 - 3:00 pm Youth (9 - 15 yrs) 3:30 - 4:30 pm Wednesdays Jul 10 - Aug 28 Youth (9 - 15 yrs) 5:00 - 7:00 pm Thursdays Jul 11 - Aug 29 All ages 7:00 - 9:00 pm

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PARENT & TOT GYM 0-4 years • Gymnasium Early Years

School Age

GIRLS GET OUTSIDE 6-12 yrs • No. 6 Mine Park & forest Girls Get Outside is specifically targeted toward female-identifying participants. Build confidence, em powerment and a spirit of adven ture! Includes 2:45 pm pick up at CCS. Instructor: Renée Baron #9051 Tuesdays LITTLE NINJAS AFTERSCHOOL 5-7 years • Gymnasium An afterschool version of our most popular gymnastics pro gram. Jump, vault, and frolic in this dynamic, action-packed and super-fun class! Includes 2:45 pm pick-up from CCS. Instructors: Rikki Warwaruk #9093 Mondays EXTREME REC NIGHT 11 – 16 years Extreme Rec Night is back! Get in on the fun as we cruise through some of our local rec centres and participate in rock climbing, swimming, pizza, snacks and more! Transpor tation included from the LINC, pick up the CV Aquatic Centre at 10:30 pm. Part of our BC Youth Week Festivities. Friday May 3 3:30 - 10:30 pm $10 ($15/drop in if space permits) *Call the Lewis Centre to register at 250-338-5371 See page 36 for more details and full activity schedule! 3:00 - 5:00 pm Apr 2 - Jun 25 $180/12 No class May 21 . 3:00 - 4:00 pm Apr 8 - Jun 24 $154/11 No class May 20 .

Meet new friends and play on climbers, ride-on toys & more! Self-supervised; by donation. Suggested donation is $2. Tuesday & Thursday 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Apr 2 - Jun 18 FAMILY GYMNASTICS 1-6 years with parent • Gymnasium Fun-filled playtime for parent & tot on our beams, ropes and rings. Once series registration closes, individual class registration may be available for $12 each if space allows. Instructor: Rikki Warwaruk #9094 Mondays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Apr 8 - Jun 24 $143/11 No class May 20 . LITTLE NINJAS MIDDAY fundamentals like juming, rolling, vaulting and climbing. Learn to move safely and efficiently while having a tonne of fun! Instructors: Rikki Warwaruk #9102 Mondays 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Apr 8 - Jun 24 $154/11 3-6 years • Gymnasium A fun gymnastics mix that includes games and


TINY PENCIL STUDIOS ART EXPERIMENTS 7-11 yrs • Buchanan Hall Join our risk taking, mistake making, paint covered group of art experimenters! Share your inner world and connect with our incredible Cumberland community as we explore the possibilities of materials, processes and ideas in response to local, national and international artists. Includes 2:45 pm pick-up from CCS. Instructor: Christina Jones #9081 Tuesdays

3:00 - 5:00 pm Apr 9 - Jun 11 $250/10

TAEKWONDO 4+ • Buchanan Hall

Learn Taekwondo skills such as kicking, punching, blocking, self-defense, poomse and Olym pic sparring in a respectful environment. Instructor: Paul Sitko, 5th Dan Master Little Dragon 4 - 8 yrs #9012 Mondays &

Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 pm Apr 3 - Jun 26 $168/24 Red Dragon ages 9+ #9013 Mondays &

Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 pm Apr 3 - Jun 26 $192/24

No class May 20

VILLAGE OF CUMBERLAND | 250-336-2231 | cumberland.ca/recreation


Indoor Climbing


CLIMB & MOVE 5-8 yrs • Gymnasium

A fun program for Junior Climb ers, plus time on the rings, rope and bars to develop the strength and balance required to be a successful climber. Includes 2:45 pm pick-up from CCS Instructors: Tom & Rikki #9052 Thursdays

3:00 - 4:00 pm Apr 4 - Jun 27 $182/13

Open Indoor Climbing Gymnasium Climbing Wall (Apr 5 - May 31) No climbing Apr 6 & May 3 Staff available to belay if needed Fridays 5:15 - 7:00 pm & Saturdays 12:00 - 3:00 pm Child/Youth Drop-in: $4.00

CLIMBING CLUB 8-14 yrs • Gymnasium

This program teaches young climbers and belayers climbing techniques, belaying, safety procedures and more, under the tutelage of an experienced climb ing instructor. No experience necessary. Instructors: Tom & Rikki #9060 Thursdays 4:30 - 5:45 pm Apr 4 - Jun 27 $169/13 BELAY & CLIMBING SKILLS 9+ • Gymnasium Learn how to belay, tie a figure eight and climb safely and inde pendently on the wall, plus have a chance to learn techniques to become a more efficient climb er from one of our experienced climbing supervisors. Includes rental gear. Sessions are 1 hour, register online and choose any available day. Arrive anytime between 12:00 - 2:00 pm. FR#9070 Saturdays April 13 - May 25 $20/Session

Adult Drop In: $6.00 Senior Drop In: $5.00 Members: FREE Gear rental: $2.00 (free for members)

Outdoor Climbing OUTDOOR CLIMBING CLUB 10-17 yrs • Comox Lake

Advance your climbing skills or begin a new challenge with this outdoor youth climbing club. The program covers outdoor climbing techniques, belaying and rope work, safety, the Climbers Code of Respect and more. A perfect opportunity for young climbers to discover the adven tures of climbing the crags at Comox Lake! Participants should bring climbing shoes, helmet, harness and hiking shoes, as well as clothes for the elements. A limited number of of helmets, harnesses and shoes

are available to borrow. Instructors: Julian & Tom #9065 Fridays 4:00 - 7:00 pm Jun 7 - 28 $132/4 #9066 Fridays 4:00 - 7:00 pm Jul 5 - 26 $132/4 #9067 Fridays 4:00 - 7:00 pm Aug 2 - 30 $165/5

All climbing programs are supervised by Julian Blackhall and/or Tom Bailey, both ACMG-certified top-rope climbing Instructors. Registered climbing programs include all gear.


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Special Interest

SHE’S WILD 18+ yrs • No. 6 Mine Park & forest

This program seeks to empower women by creating an inclusive space for meaningful conversa tions, nature connection, wilder ness skill building, and laughter. Renee aims to create an ongoing like-minded women’s group that is shaped according to the group’s needs and where spending quality time in nature is central. In order to create continuity and a strong foundation, registration to both sessions is encouraged but not required. Instructor: Renée Baron #9091 Saturdays & Sunday* 9:00 - 1:00 pm Jun 15 - 29 $105/3 GROWN-UP GYM CLASS 16+ • Gymnasium Gym class is back - and this time it’s for grown-ups! Your PE teach er, Phill Fuller of Comox Valley Bounce, might assign tasks like dodgeball, pickleball, capture the flag with Nerf Blasters, or Spike ball. Each class will be an excit ing new surprise! Instructor: Phill Fuller #9019 Tuesdays 9:00 - 1:00 pm Apr 13, 20, 28* $105/3 #9092 Saturdays


Mountain Biking Participants must have a helmet and bike in safe working condition. Knee and elbow pads are recommended.

AFTERSCHOOL BIKE CLUB 6-9 years • Various Locations

Presented by Balance Biking Includes 2:45 pm pick up at CCS. This afterschool bike club will focus on skill building, team building, trail knowledge, bike knowledge and how to become a steward on the trails. Led by Balance Biking’s experienced coaches, members will share in new adventures from skills drills, trail riding, trail building and more. Instructors: Balance Biking #9116 Wednesdays

Want to play disc golf? Rent discs for just $2 at Cumberland Recreation Center reception desk!

3:00 - 5:00 pm April 3 - May 1 $180/5 #9118 Wednesdays

7:45 - 9:00 pm Apr 2 - May 28 $81/9

3:00 - 5:00 pm May 8 - Jun 5 $180/5

Need a break from the heat? The Water Spray Park is open Victoria Day weekend to Labour Day weekend. Visit cumberland.ca/village-park/ for park hours & more info!

VILLAGE OF CUMBERLAND | 250-336-2231 | cumberland.ca/recreation


50+ Fitness The following classes are just $5 each or free with membership (see p. 2 for details). Please pre-register for all classes. Please call or check online for drop-in availbility.


STRETCH & STRENGTH 50 + • Moncrief Hall Build your strength, endurance and increase balance through resistance training before finishing off with a long set of stretching to encourage flexibility and recovery. Instructor: Laurie Baird Tuesdays & Thursdays FR#9016 6:30 - 7:30 pm Apr 2 - Jun 27 LINE DANCE FUSION 50+ • Buchanan Hall Instructor: Nimisha Jimenez Line Dance Bootcamp - for experienced beginners Get ready to have fun learning new patterns of steps and current dances at the High Beginner and Improver levels. Dance to a vari ety of dance styles, country, pop, latin, and swing. Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:00 am FR#9088 April 3 - Jun 19 If you’ve always wanted to learn line dance, this 5-week beginner program will emphasize repetition and proper technique along with the joy of movement. Wednesdays 11:15 - 12:15 pm FR#9087 April 10 - May 8 FR#9090 July 3 - 31 FR#9089 July 3 - 31 Line Dance Easy - for new beginners

TRX FOR SENIORS 50+ • Moncrief Hall

This class focuses on strength ening everyday movements to improve everyday function. Bene fits of the TRX suspension trainer includes stability and scalability, allowing you to tailor each exer cise to your own personal fitness and/or comfort level. *Please note, waitlists are no longer availble for this class. Instructor: Ally Greer Mondays 10:45 -11:45 am FR#9035 Apr 8 - Jun 17 No class May 20 FR#9048 Jul 15 - Aug 26 No class Aug 5 Wednesdays 10:45 -11:45 am

ADULT SOCIAL CLUB 50+ • Buchanan Hall Enjoy the company of friends and neighbours along with a complimentary tea or coffee, plus activities like Mahjong, cards, book club, and wellness activities. For details on what’s upcoming, visit cumberland.ca/ social-club.

FR#9036 Apr 3 - Jun 19 FR#9049 Jul 3 - Aug 28 No class Jul 10 Thursdays 10:45 -11:45 am FR#9037 Apr 4 - Jun 20 FR#9050 Jul 4 - Aug 29 No class Jul 11

FOREVER FIT 50+ • Moncrief Hall A balanced workout that combines functional training, balance and strength work. This class can be tailored to your level and ability, from a moderate workout with modifications as needed, to a vari ety of more challenging exercises for fit older adults looking to stay active and have fun. Instructor: Janice Bradford

Tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:30 pm Fridays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Closed for July, back open Aug 6 Exception Dates: Jun 7 & 14. Adults: $4 Seniors: $3 Members: free

Mon, Wed & Fri 8:45 - 9:45 am

FR#9015 Apr 3 - Jun 28 No class May 20 & Jun 7 July & August TBD


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CUMBERLAND SPRING /SUMMER FITNESS FR#9024 Jun 3 - 17 $27/3 FR#9040 July 8 - 29 $36/4 FR#9041 Aug 12 - 26 $27/3 No class May 20 Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:30 pm FR#9025 Apr 3 - May 29 $81/9 FR#9026 Jun 5 - 19 $27/3 FR#9042 July 10 - 31 $36/4 FR#9043 Aug 7 - 28 $36/4 Ally’s same Strength & Endurance class that you love (see above), plus toys and supervision for your preschoolers . Tots play in one half of the gym while you work out in the other. $2/child is payable at reception. Instructor: Ally Greer Tuesdays 9:15 - 10:15 am FR#9027 Apr 2 - May 28 $81/9 FR#9028 Jun 4 - 18 $27/3 FR#9045 July 2 - 30 $45/5 FR#9047 Aug 6 - 27 $36/4 Thursdays 9:15 - 10:15 am FR#9029 Apr 4 - May 30 $81/9 FR#9030 Jun 6 - 20 $27/3 FR#9044 July 11 - 25 $27/3 FR#9046 Aug 1 - 29 $45/5 Fitness STRENGTH & ENDURANCE 16+ • Moncrief Hall Join Ally for a solid workout de signed to build cardio, endurance & strength. This is an intermedi ate-level workout that can be scaled up or down to meet your fitness needs. Instructor: Ally Greer Mondays 5:30 - 6:30 pm FR#9023 Apr 8 - May 27 $63/7 STRENGTH & ENDURANCE 16+ • Gymnasium

TRX STRENGTH & CORE 16+ • Gymnasium Get ready to increase your power, strength and endurance with this dynamic total-body TRX class. Ally combines suspension strength training, cardio-intensive intervals and serious core chal lenges for a mix of gravity resis tance and power building that may just be the ultimate workout! Instructor: Ally Greer Tuesdays 5:15 - 6:15 pm FR#9033 Apr 2 - May 28 $81/9 FR#9034 Jun 4 - 18 $27/3 LUNCH EXPRESS HIT 16+ Moncrief Hall Beat the afternoon doldrums by kicking up the cardio and pump ing a little iron in this bite-sized, high-intenisty class. In just 40 minutes, you’ll be ready to face the rest of your day feeling alert, refreshed and stronger than ever! Instructor: Ally Greer Wednesdays 12:10 - 12:50 pm FR#9031 Apr 3 - May 29 $63/9 FR#9032 Jun 5 - 19 $21/3 Youth Fitness THIS GIRL CAN 13-18 yrs • Moncrief Hall A class specifically designed for young women and female-identi fying participants. Increase your strength, endurance and overall fitness while creating healthy habits and instilling a life-long love of exercise Instructor: Ally Greer Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:00 am FR#9134 Apr 8 - May 13 $42/6 See “FR” in front of the program code? Our flex reg (FR) fitness programs let you sign up for the entire series or just pick a few!

SUNRISE BOOTCAMP 16+ Gymnasium The early bird gets the baddest beach bod with this early morning full-body workout that combines cardio drills with core building dumbell and body weight exercises. Instructor: Ally Greer Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:00 am FR#9038 Jul 10 - 31 $36/4 FR#9039 Aug 7 - 28 $36/4

VILLAGE OF CUMBERLAND | 250-336-2231 | cumberland.ca/recreation



CHAIR YOGA 14+ • Buchanan Hall


YOGA FOR GUYS 14+ • Buchanan Hall

A gentle class great for people with limited mobility, those recovering from injury. Instructor: Christina Roersma FR#9055 Mondays 10:45 - 11:45 am Apr 8 - May 27 $63/7 No class May 20 FR#9063 Mondays 10:45 - 11:45 am Jul 8 - Aug 26 $63/7 No class Aug 5 NOON HATHA YOGA 14+ • Buchanan Hall A balanced practice of breath, body and mind to strengthen and stabilize the body while replenish ing the soul. Instructor: Christina Roersma FR# 9056 Mondays 12:05 - 12:55 pm Apr 8 - May 27 $63/7 No class May 20 FR#9064 Mondays 12:05 - 12:55 pm Jul 8 - Aug 26 $63/7 No class Aug 5

An all-levels class for guys that uses a combination of mental focus, conscious breathing and slow, mindful movement through a variety of postures and exercises to improve flexibility, balance and strength. I nstructor: Jeff Hubbick FR#9017 Tuesdays 7:30 - 8:30 pm Apr 2 - Jun 18 $108/12 WEEKEND WARRIOR YOGA 14+ • Buchanan Hall Warrior 1 A slow practice focusing on stretching, mobility and function al movement. Prevent injuries, promote flexibility and achieve the most from your body! Instructor: Christina Roersma FR#9057 Saturdays


POWER SPIN 16+ • Moncrief Hall This high-intensity class is fo cused on endurance and strength and will have you feeling fit and fabulous all Winter.

Instructor: Kim Royer #FR9104 Mondays

7:00 - 8:00 pm Apr 8 - May 13 $54/6

SPINCROSS 16+ • Moncrief Hall

9:30 - 10:30 am Apr 6 - May 25 $63/7

Intense spins combined with floor exercises that will improve your strength, boost your fitness and deliver a fun, challenging workout every time. Find out why Paul’s classes have been a local favour ite for more than a decade! Instructor: Paul Purin Tuesdays 5:15 - 6:15 pm FR#9014 Apr 2 - Jun 25 $117/13 FR#9062 Jul 2 - Aug 27 $81/9 SPIN & CORE 16+ • Moncrief Hall A hard spin combined with corwe-building floor exercises delivered in a highly motivating, fun-forward group environment. Great for all-around fitness! Instructor: Kim Royer #FR9105 Wednesdays

No class May 18 Warrior 2

A continued Hatha and Flow style of yoga focused on endurance,

breath and strength. FR#9058 Saturdays

10:45 - 11:45 am Apr 6 - May 25 $63/7

No class May 18

7:00 - 8:00 pm Apr 3 - May 15 $63/7


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Explore the Wild Summer Day Camps

JUNIOR EXPLORERS CAMP 3-5 yrs • Village Park

Each Junior Explorers camp offers a bite-sized taste of Explore the Wild for our youngest adventurers! Each week has its own unique theme and incorporates activities like nature walks, crafts, Slip ‘n’ Sliding, splash park frolicking and more! Activities are inspired by our own imaginations, with an ultimate goal of fun for all. All children must be out of diapers (Pull-Ups


are still considered diapers). Instructors: Rikki Warwaruk Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 pm #9125 Jul 15 - 18 $130 #9126 Aug 19 - 22 $130

EXPLORE THE WILD CAMP 6-11 yrs • various park locations

Our Explore the Wild summer camps offer the best of summertime living in the Village of Cumberland, with a focus on active outdoor recreation in a safe and supportive environment. Every camp is filled with a diverse range of activities designed to chal lenge, engage and inspire. Each week presents new adventures and discoveries but, regardless of which week you choose, your child(ren) will enjoy plenty of fresh air, games, exploration, nature education and a healthy dose of splishy splashy fun. Most camp activities will be outdoor except in the case of extreme weather. But wait, there’s more! On Friday of each week your child(ren) will enjoy a fun-filled day at Comox Lake exploring the unique natural areas of Cumberland Lake Park and enjoying a cool-off in Comox Lake under the supervision of camp leaders. PDFs will be provided. Get ready for a camp filled with excitement, camaraderie and adventure!

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00 pm $195/5 day camp $156/4 day camp*

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Drop-off and pick-up locations vary week to week. Please refer to each camp’s online description for details. On Friday of each week, drop-off and pick-up is at the covered area on the beach at Comox Lake (Cumberland Lake Park).

#9072 July 2 - 5* #9073 July 8 - 12 #9074 July 15 - 19 #9075 July 22 - 26 #9076 July 29 - August 2 #9077 August 6 - 9* #9078 August 12 - 16 #9079 August 19 - 23 #9080 August 26 - 30

Don’t Forget! Registration for all summer camps begins Monday, April 15 at 7:00 am. See page 2 for ways to register.

VILLAGE OF CUMBERLAND | 250-336-2231 | cumberland.ca/recreation


SOCCERTRON FULL DAY 7-14 yrs • Village Park Almost a full soccer season packed into one glorious week! Improve individual techniques such as defending, attacking and creating space. Plus, enjoy some refreshing splash park sessions and come home with a free t-shirt to keep. #9109 Jul 15 - 19 $297 #9113 Aug 6 - 9* $238 SOCCERTRON HALF DAY 6-14 yrs • Village Park Improve your soccer skills while having a blast in this fun-forward program led by Soccertron’s enthusiastic coaches. Participants will be divided into separate age groups. Soccertron t-shirt included. #9110 Jul 15 - 19 $182 #9114 Aug 6 - 9* $145 SOCCERTRON TOTS 3-5 yrs • Village Park Budding soccer stars and any kids with an interest in the beautiful game are introduced to skills in a fun, safe environment. Soccertron t-shirt included. 3 - 4 yrs Specialty Camps Monday - Friday Tuesday - Friday* 9:00 - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday Tuesday - Friday* 9:00 - 12:00 pm

MY FIRST BIKE CAMP! 3-5 yrs • No. 6 Mine Park Want to get your little one stoked on biking but not too sure where to start? Balance Biking’s experi enced coaches will have your tot gaining confidence, learning new skills and having fun! This camp is suitable for strider/balance bikes and training wheels. Helmets are mandatory. Knee/elbow pads are recommended. Instructor: Balance Biking Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12:00 pm #9122 Aug 6 - 9 $180 SUMMER SHRED CAMP 6-9 yrs • Village Park Does your little shredder want to learn new skills, make new friends and gain confidence on and off the bike? Balance Biking’s experienced coaches will guide your child through all the ups and downs of mountain biking and how to have fun on the bike! All members must bring a helmet, bicycle in good working condition and backpack to ride with. Water/ snacks are required. Elbow/knee pads are recommended. Instructor: Balance Biking Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12:00 pm #9119 Jul 22 - 26 $250 #9120 Jul 29 - Aug 2 $250 LITTLE NINJAS CAMP 3-5 yrs • Gymnasium This half-day gymnastics camp features everything your kids love about our weekly Little Ninjas pro gram, including skills like jumping, swinging, rolling, vaulting, balanc ing and climbing. Plus, weather permitting, we’ll mix it up with nature walks and other outdoor fun. All children must be out of diapers (Pull-Ups are still consid ered diapers). Instructor: Rikki Warwaruk

TINY PENCIL STUDIOS ART EXPERIMENTS CAMP 7-11 yrs • Moncrief Hall What changes do you want to see in the world? Find out how we can become activists through art making. We will express our own unique passions and raise our voices through a variety of materials and processes, inspired by the ideas of local, national and international artists. Instructor: Christina Jones Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12:00 pm #9082 Jul 8 - 12 $175 OUTDOOR CLIMBING CAMP 10-16 yrs • Comox Lake Designed for adventurous youths who love climbing, this camp cov ers outdoor climbing techniques like belaying, rappelling and the Climber’s Code of Respect. You’ll explore the crags at Comox Lake, improve your climbing skills and discover a wealth of adventure right here in your own backyard! Shoes, helmet and harness re quired; we have a limited number available to borrow. Instructor: Julian & Tom, ACMG TRCI Tuesday - Friday 9:00 - 3:00 pm #9123 July 2 - 5 $290 #9124 Aug 6 - 9 $290 LUSH VALLEY YOUNG COOKS CAMPS 7-14 yrs • Recreation Centre Kitchen Your future Master Chef will learn fundamental culinary and food safety skills in this engaging day camp. From knife skills to dish washing, fresh linguine to arroz con leche, students will gain con fidence in the kitchen and learn recipes from around the globe. Financial assistance is available. Please email admin@lushvalley.org to inquire about bursaries.


Monday - Friday Tuesday - Friday* 9:30 - 10:30 am

#9107 Jul 15 - 19 $110 #9111 Aug 6 - 9* $87 4 - 5 yrs

Monday - Friday Tuesday - Friday* 10:45 - 11:45 am

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12:00 pm

Tuesday - Friday* Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 pm

#9115 Jul 15 - 19 $175 #9106 Aug 12 - 16 $175

#9108 Jul 15 - 19 $110 #9112 Aug 6 - 9* $87

#9131 Jul 9 - 12* $130 #9128 Aug 12 - 15 $130


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Courtenay Recreation Table of Contents

You’ll notice there’s something a little different about this Comox Valley Recreation Guide. The Spring and Summer guides are now combined, giving our community more time to plan ahead for summer programs and activities, including swimming lessons and daycamps. Once you’ve booked your spring programs, go ahead and create your summer activity wish list – and add summer registration to your calendars on April 15. See the inside flap at the front of this guide for more details on this change. Courtenay Recreation has once again put together an amazing list of activities for every age and interest. Looking for ideas? Please call or visit our friendly team at the Lewis Centre or Florence Filberg Centre, they’ll be happy to help!



Facilities Cozy Corner Preschool..................14 Squash.............................................51 Registration....................................93 Outdoor Pool..................................84 Canada Day.....................................83 The LINC Youth Centre.................37 Wellness Centre............................52 Lewis Centre Facility Rentals.......96 Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall Facility Rentals.............97 Courtenay Parks...........................98 Culture Groups...........................101

Early Years (Preschool)...............15 Children’s Programs....................20 Youth Programs...........................33 Adult Programs............................42 Active Living................................. 52 Wellness Centre...........................52 Fitness..................................54 & 92 At A Glance...................................62 Summer Daycamps.....................64 Evergreen Club............................94 Adapted Programs Adapted Programs for Adults with Disabilities.....38 & 91

Bob Wells Courtenay Mayor


Evergreen Member discounted program


This program incorporates physical literacy

Spring Break program

Childminding is offered during this program

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


Lewis Centre The Lewis Centre offers a Wellness Centre, gymnasiums, meeting rooms, squash courts, and Cozy Corner Preschool. An outdoor stage is also available for booking. Office Hours Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 8:45 pm Sat & Sun 8:30 am - 12:00 pm & 1:15 - 4:00 pm Facility Hours Mon - Fri 5:30 am - 9:00 pm Sat & Sun 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Office Hours (for Florence Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall facilities) facilities with kitchens and more. A senior’s centre also offers daily activities. Florence Filberg Centre The Florence Filberg Centre offers a wide range of room rentals: meeting rooms, conference

For up to date hours please call 250-334-8138 or visit www.courtenay.ca/linc The LINC Youth Centre & Indoor Skatepark The LINC houses an indoor skate board park, concession, games room, computer lab and meeting room. The LINC offers drop-in activities and youth programs.


Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Phone: 250-334-8138 Email: rentals@courtenay.ca 300 Old Island Highway, Courtenay, BC V9N 3P2

Phone: 250-338-1000 Fax: 250-338-0303 Email: rentals@courtenay.ca 411 Anderton Avenue, Courtenay, BC V9N 6C6 www.courtenay.ca/filberg

www.courtenay.ca/lewis 489 Old Island Highway, Courtenay, BC V9N 3P5 Phone: 250-338-5371 Fax: 250-338-8600 Email: rentals@courtenay.ca


Facility Closures:

Good Friday Friday March 29 Easter Monday Monday April 1 Victoria Day Monday May 20 Canada Day Monday July 1 BC Day Monday August 5

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


Spring 2024 Hours (March - June) Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm OR 1:30 - 4:30 pm Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm OR Now with a dedicated outdoor play space thanks to funding from Service Canada. 489 Old Island Highway, Courtenay 250-338-5371 courtenay.ca/cozycorner Cozy Corner Preschool Ages 3 - 5 years at the Lewis Centre

Join our fully qualified and experienced Early Childhood Educators in a nurturing play-based environment. Our goal encourages not just learning but the love of learning. We focus on the importance of social skills with both large and small groups to work together to solve problems by providing diverse experiences and safe exploration. We believe each child’s voice should be heard to promote a sense of belonging and a sense of self. Our flexible, and hands on approach will maximize the learning potential for playful exploration and new discoveries. We believe children learn in many ways; a play-based approach that engages children with natural elements and open-ended materials provide a pathway for individual learning. New Fall Hours starting September 2024: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm OR 12:30 - 4:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm OR 12:30 - 4:00 pm


Spaces available. Register now!

12:30 - 4:30 pm Monthly Fees T/TH am $105 T/TH pm $155 M/W/F am $205 M/W/F pm $180 Program notes:

Monthly Fees: M/W/F $185/3 days per week T/Th $125/2 days per week

$50 - annual family registration fee ($25 will be applied to first month’s fee) Program runs September through June

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


Drop-in Programs

WOBBLY WALKERS (1 year - 3 years) Fun filled parent and tot pro gram on Thursdays for 1 - 3 year olds with adult. #13465 Thursdays

CURIOUS CRAWLERS (18 months & under) Is your little one starting to explore the world on their hands and knees? Come enjoy some social time with other parents and babies who are in the same stage. Some of the space will have mats for those who need a soft place to land. Other fun toys will also be available. Adult participation required. #13464 Thursdays

PARENT & TOT MORNING PLAY TIME (1 - 6 years) Drop in with your parent and friends to take part in social and active play. This program provides unstructured play time with a variety of fun equipment and toys. Adult participation is required. #13463 Sundays Join us Thursdays for play that is suited to young children who are just getting moving and comfy in navigating their surroundings. Parent participation is required. #13466 Thursdays April 4 - June 27 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $3/drop-in LITTLE MOVERS (4 years & under with adult)

April 4 - June 27 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis MP Hall $3/drop-in

PARENT & TOT GO WILD (5 years & under)

April 4 - June 27 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis MP Hall B $3/drop-in

Bring your energy as you skip, hop and run to this hour of fun! Invite your friends and get ready to play. An adult must partici pate and is responsible for the supervision of their child(ren). #13467 Tuesdays


Please note: there will be no drop-in programs on stat holidays schedule updates at courtenay.ca/dropin

April 2 - June 25 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis MP Hall $3/drop-in

April 7 - June 30 9:15 - 10:15 am Lewis MP Hall $3/drop-in

Early Years Drop-in Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Family Gymnastics (all-ages) 9:15-10:15am or 12:00-1:00pm Childminding 8:45-10:30am

Parent & Tot Go Wild 10:30-11:30am Childminding 8:45-10:30am

Childminding 8:45-10:30am

Childminding 8:45-10:30am

Childminding 10:15-11:45am

Childminding 8:45-10:30am

Family Gymnastics (5 yrs & under) 9:00-10:00am or (all-ages) 11:15am-12:15pm or (8 yrs & over) 2:45-3:45pm

Parent & Tot Morning Play Time 9:15-10:15am

Curious Crawlers 9:00-10:00am

Family Gymnastics 11:30am-12:30pm (all-ages)

Wobbly Walkers 10:30-11:30am Little Movers 11:30am-12:30pm

schedule subject to change no drop-ins on stat holidays schedule updates at courtenay.ca/drop-in


See page 93


CHILDMINDING Our excellent childminding service offers a safe, friendly and fun environment for your child while you attend our programs or use the Wellness Centre. Monday - Thursday 8:45 - 10:30 am

Friday 10:15 - 11:45 am Saturday 8:45 - 10:30 am April 2 - June 28 $3/1.75 hrs

PARENT & PRESCHOOLER: FIRST TASTE (2 - 5 years) means childminding available during this program

Cooking & Crafts KOOKY COOKING (3 - 5 years) MINI CHEFS (3 - 5 years)

This class will introduce you and your child to the experience of cooking together at an early age. It will promote a sense of independence and help them to develop greater fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and encourage healthy eating. It’s a great bonding experience for a caregiver and child and may become their favourite weekly activity together! #13035 Fridays Plan Ahead Spring & Summer programs are now featured in one guide, giving you early access for planning summer activities! Spring registration starts March 11. Summer registration starts April 15 . Look for OR ANGE activity codes for sum mer registration. Check out the inside front page for more de tails on this change. See pages 64 - 66 for Early Years summer mini camps. April 26 - May 17 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Craft Room A $49/4

Throw on your apron and get ready to mix, roll and pat your way to some tasty treats. Par ticipants will leave with a recipe book to keep the cooking and baking going through the sea sons. #13302 Thursdays May 16 - June 6 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Craft Room B $49/4 CREATIVE CRITTERS (3 - 5 years) Let’s get ready to doodle, draw and dive into your creativity as we learn about different art ma terials! This class is perfect for budding artists to come and ex plore different art materials and creative prompts. Pencils, pens, pastels and paint - this class is perfection. This class will take place both inside and outside. #13646 Mondays May 27 - June 24

MESSY MASTERPIECES (3 - 5 years) Let’s get messy and create your very own masterpieces! We’ll get our hands dirty using paints, shaving cream, glue and so much more! Be sure to wear your comfiest play clothes. #13304 Wednesdays April 10 - May 8 Create silly and delicious snacks every week while learning kitch en safety and cooking basics. Our secret ingredient is FUN! #13303 Fridays April 12 - May 10 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $59/5


10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $59/5

Please check receipts for important program information.

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $59/5

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


Movement BABY & ME YOGA This class provides an opportu nity to bond with your baby as you regain strength, flexibility and balance while connecting with other parents and sharing your experience. Open to babies six weeks until crawling. Class will be cancelled one week prior to start date if insufficient regis tration. Instructor: Akiko Shima Thursdays #13290 April 4 - May 16 $81/7 #13499 May 23 - June 27 $69/6 3:00 - 4:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room TODDLER YOGA (18 months - 5 years with adult) Introduce your little one to yoga early! This fun class includes breathing practices, songs, stretches, silly wiggles, and animal sounds. While the class is geared towards kids aged 18 months to 5 years, parents are welcome to join in the stretches too. Instructor: Kelly Yaskiw Fridays

DANCE WITH ME: INTRO TO CREATIVE DANCE (2 - 5 years) This class for caregivers & tots is a fun way to begin learning the basic movement of dance. We use unstructured movement to engage children. Caregivers, bring your 2 - 5 year olds out and stimulate their minds with music and movement. This is a great intro class to Preschool Creative Dance. Adult participation re quired. Instructor: Leigha Wald # 13795 Wednesday

PRESCHOOL ACRO (3 - 5 years) Build confidence and gain

INTRO TO BALLET (3 - 5 years) All the basics of ballet are explored in a fun and inspiring environment that encourages your dancer to build confidence and build a foundation for movement through dance. No class April 22. Mondays #13649 April 8 - May 6 #13652 May 27 - June 17 $39/4 10:30 - 11:15 am Lewis MP Hall awareness. Acro is a balance of dance and gymnastics, and it provides children with a great starting point to increase flexibil ity, strength and versatility! No class April 22. Instructor: Leigha Wald Mondays #13310 April 8 - May 6 $49/5 #13648 May 27 - June 17 $39/4 2:10 - 2:55 pm Lewis Centre Gym


May 15 - June 19 11:00 - 11:30 am Lewis MP Hall $35/6


Beginner dance steps are taught through play, imagination, story telling and great music. The perfect first dance class for your little one! #13653 Wednesdays May 15 - June 19 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $59/6

#13319 April 5 - May 10 #13794 May 17 - June 21 9:00 - 9:45 am

Lewis Salish Building $59/6



See page 93


MUD PUDDLE MONDAYS (3 - 5 years)

Grab your gumboots and muddy buddy and get ready for some spring fun! We’ll have some fresh-air fun burning off energy playing games, doing outdoor activities and adventuring at the playground. Dress for the weather. #13774 Mondays April 15 - May 13 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Salish Building $59/5 NATURE DISCOVERIES (3 - 5 years) Explore your curiosity of the out doors in this fun active program where you learn that there are plants that eat bugs, and that cu cumbers can lives in the ocean. Both indoor and outdoor ac tivities will take place so please come prepared for all kinds of weather. #13305 Tuesdays April 2 - May 7 Financial Access Programs: Apply for discounts that provide healthy lifestyle opportunities through two programs: 1. Recreation Access Program Discounts on programs for City of Courtenay residents who live below Statistics Canada low income thresholds. 2. LEAP Regional program open to anyone in the Comox Valley. Provides 52 free admissions to drop-in activities. Ask us how to apply for either program! 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $69/6

LI’L DANGLES HOCKEY (3 - 5 years) This program will focus on the enjoyment of the game, while teaching players the basic skills required to play. Players will play a variety of games designed to teach them how to hold the stick, make a pass, and take a shot all while having fun. For this age group, we will use foam hockey sticks and balls. Parent participation as needed. Mondays April 15 - May 13 Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec Want an easy way to plan your summer? See pages 62 - 63 for the Summer At A Glance planner

SOCCER STARS (3 - 5 years)

Run, kick, pass, shoot, dribble and practice skill based games as we introduce you to basic soc cer skills. Learn how fun it is to be part of a team as you develop your listening skills, physical co-ordination, teamwork and fitness. Parent participation as needed. Saturdays April 6 - May 11 #13307 9:00 - 9:45 am #13308 10:00 - 10:45 am Lewis Park Totem Poles $35/6 SPORTS BLAST (3 - 5 years) Come play with us! In this pro gram the focus is FUN. You and your child will work on a vari ety of skills while learning new games and sports each week and making new friends. Parent participation as needed. #13306 Fridays

COURTENAY SPRING EARLY YEARS #13309 9:30 - 10:15 am #13773 4:30 - 5:15 pm Lewis MP Hall $29/5

May 17 - June 14 9:30 - 10:15 am Lewis Centre Gym $29/5

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec



NINJA KIDS (3 - 5 years)

FAMILY GYMNASTICS (All ages with an adult) Play together as a family or with friends, as you get to explore and have fun on the best indoor playground around! Swing, bounce, balance, jump and have a great time on our gymnastics equipment with our awesome gymnastics instructors leading the way! No class May 20. Mondays (all-ages) April 8 - June 24 #13685 9:15 - 10:15 am #13658 12:00 - 1:00 pm Tuesdays (all-ages) April 9 - June 25 #13659 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Saturdays April 6 - June 22 #13657 9:00 - 10:00 am (5 years & under) #13969 11:15 am - 12:15 pm (all ages) #14033 2:45 - 3:45 pm (8 years & over) Lewis Centre Gym $6.50/drop-in


Get those heart rates up in this fun, creative class using the gymnastics equipment! The gymnastics staff will have your active child running, climbing, crawling, rolling and exploring new movements through a wide range of activities while making new friends! No class May 20. #13655 Mondays SPRING BREAK FAMILY GYMNASTICS (All ages with an adult) Come run, jump, bounce and laugh with us this spring break at Family Gymnastics. Our en thusiastic coaches will supervise this fun and safe play time. #12881 Monday - Friday March 18 - 22 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Centre Gym $6.50/drop-in SB April 8 - June 24 10:45 - 11:45 am Lewis Centre Gym $162/11

KINDERGYM WITH TRAMPOLINE (3 - 5 years) Take those first little steps into organized gymnastics, guided by your fun and knowledgeable gymnastics staff! You’ll learn basic movements, play games, run, roll, climb and explore on all the equipment set up in our gym without the help of a parent! This class could help your child realize their love for gymnastics and help focus some of their energy! Instructor: Sheri Roffey #13484 Tuesdays April 9 - June 11 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lewis Centre Gym $150/12 unique program we will start to phase parents out to help chil dren learn to succeed on their own. No class May 20. #13544 Mondays April 8 - June 24 1:00 - 2:00 pm $139/11 #13656 Tuesdays April 9 - June 25 10:15 - 11:15 am $150/12 See page 27 for gymnastics birthday parties Run, jump, land, climb, rotate and swing. Our knowledgeable, playful, friendly staff will connect you to a lifetime of learning and physical activity. Complimentary skills include working with your parent as an instructor leads you through individual basic skill, moving safely around the gym, getting along with others, offering and accepting new ideas. Halfway through this



See page 93



HOME ALONE (10 - 13 years)

BABYSITTER TRAINING (11 - 18 years) Join us for this fun, informative course as we cover important in formation to help prepare you to be a babysitter! Topics include: managing challenging behaviors, leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter, first aid, managing risks and emergen cies, child development, how to feed, diaper, dress and play with children and babies and starting your babysitting business. Refer ence manuals and information from Canada Safety Council.


The Canada Safety Council’s Home Alone program is de signed to provide and prepare children with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone. Topics include establishing a routine, dealing with strangers, telephone safety, emergencies, basic first aid, internet safety and more. A student reference book and certificate of comple tion are included.


It’s National Volunteer Week! Volunteering is a fun way to connect with your community with loads of other benefits! Join us as we cover the basics of the volunteer role and what amazing

opportunities await you. #13558 Wednesday April 24 4:30 - 5:30 pm

LINC Multipurpose Room FREE

#13226 Saturday April 20 #13227 Saturday May 18 #13228 Saturday June 15

#13218 Sunday April 14 #13219 Sunday May 12 #13220 Sunday June 9

Did you know volunteers contributed over 1368 hours in 2023 in our programs & events!

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $45

9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $85

WE ARE HIRING FOR SUMMER! • Camp Leaders • Inclusion Leaders • Lifeguards Go to www.courtenay.ca/employment to apply now!

More leadership programs on page 78

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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