Spring Summer full guide
GYMNASTICS MINI CAMP (3 - 5 years) Each day your child will spend time running, jumping, climb ing and swinging with our knowledgeable, playful, friendly summer staff and gymnastics experts. No day will be the same so come prepared to have fun! Program will begin at Cozy Cor ner each day. #13943 Monday - Friday July 15 - 19 1:00 - 3:30 pm Cozy Corner Preschool $95/5 CREATIVE CAMPERS (3 - 5 years) Summer is a time for creating memories, building friendships, and exploring new interests. Our wonderful environment allows us to look & explore Lewis park while opening up our creative minds. Camp includes music, movement and crafts that will ignite our creativity. #13942 Monday - Friday August 19 - 23 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Cozy Corner Preschool $85/5
NATURE DETECTIVES CAMP (3 - 5 years) Get outside and learn about the nature around you! It’s time to take curious campers outside to hop on the trails and explore. You’ll spend most of your time outside exploring bugs, birds, animals and plants. You will play different games and make nature crafts. #13766 Monday - Friday August 12 - 16 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Cozy Corner Preschool $85/5 One of the most effective ways in which a child learns is through arts and crafts. In this camp children will learn by involving one or more of their five senses, something smelly, something that tastes good or feels inter esting in their hands. The fun crafts and active play will stretch your imagination. Please wear clothes that can get messy. #13757 Monday - Friday July 8 - 12 1:00 - 3:30 pm Cozy Corner Preschool $85/5 MESSY ART (3 - 5 years)
DINO-MIGHT DISCOVERIES (3 - 5 years) Step back in time to a prehis toric world. Discover everything you ever wanted to know about dinosaurs, through a mini dino-dig, models, stories and crafts. Learn about fossils, vol canoes and the giant creatures
that once roamed earth. #13767 Monday - Friday
August 19 - 23 1:00 - 3:30 pm Cozy Corner Preschool $85/5
All you need to know about Summer Camp! See page 80 for parent info.
Preparing your Preschoolers for Summer Camp • Visit or walk by where the camp will take place • Have your child help decide on the right camp • Have your child help prepare for the day • Expect the first day may be hard • Reassure your child that they will have fun • Make sure to say good-bye! Tips brought to you by Cozy Corner Preschool. Register now for Fall 2024-2025 see page 14 for details.
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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