Spring Summer full guide

YIN/RESTORATIVE YOGA Both of these styles of Yoga are quiet, floor-based practices. Both provide deep benefits to your body and require a willing ness to pause and breathe - in stillness. Yin Yoga stimulates harder tissues in the body and can sometimes create strong sensations for you to navigate; Restorative Yoga is just deep ly relaxing. In this series, we will alternate between them: one week will be Yin, the next, Restorative - the best of both worlds. Prerequisite: at least one year of yoga experience. No class April 12. Instructor: Catherine Reid Fridays #13494 April 5 - June 28 $166/11 #13597 July 5 - August 16 $105/7 10:00 - 11:30 am Native Sons Lodge beyond cancer. Look for more information this fall! cancerexercise.med.ubc.ca CONTACT INFORMATION EXercise for Cancer to Enhance Living Well (EXCEL) The goal of the EXCEL study is to offer a sustainable exercise program before, during or after cancer treatment, to those living with and Email: exercise.research@ubc.ca Phone: 604-827-1914 Web: cancerexercise.med.ubc.ca Please get in touch to learn more. PI: Dr. Kristin Campbell, BScPT, PhD Department of Physical Therapy

CHAIR YOGA FOR EVERY BODY (18 years & over)

EXCEL is the EX ercise for C ancer to E nhance L iving Well study. Thisstudy provides an exercise program to Canadians living with and beyond cancer.

CHAIR YOGA (55 years & older) Developed for those who cannot get up and down from the floor easily. There’s still a lot of Yoga that can be done in a chair. Spe cial breathing practices, gentle joint movements and muscle strengthening will all take place in this fun class. We also do poses while standing, using the chair for support. Instructor: Catherine Reid Tuesdays #13252 April 2 - June 25 $166/13 #13587 July 2 - August 13 $89/7 10:30 - 11:30 am Native Sons Grand Hall Fridays #13253 April 5 - June 28 $166/13 #13588 July 5 - August 16 $89/7 2:00 - 3:00 pm Lewis Activity Room This is a chair yoga practice that is accessible to people with all kinds of bodies. Chair Yoga is a great practice! It’s not only for people who are older or have mobility issues. With this practice you’ll work on improving flexibili ty and strength and calming your mind and nervous system. Note: class will be in the Filberg Confer ence Hall August 22. Instructor: Akiko Shima Thursdays #13255 April 4 - June 27 $172/13 #14070 July 11 - August 29 $106/8 9:30 - 10:30 am Native Sons Lodge & Dining Room FRIDAYS LEWIS

Funding for this study provided by: Funding for this study provided by:

REB #H23-00471 Version date: 03 May 2023, V2

MEN’S YOGA This Men’s Yoga class is specifi cally designed for targeting the muscles and joints which will increase your range of motion. The sessions will include pos es that improve posture and balance and decrease soreness due to tight muscles. This class will include seated and standing postures. No class May 20. Instructor: Susan Obieglo #13202 Mondays April 8 - June 24 7:15 - 8:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $150/11 YIN YOGA WITH SUSAN Start your week off just right with this slower-paced, lower intensity but challenging practice that will help you truly let go of tension in both body, and mind. This Yin class will help enhance mobility and flexibility by target ing your deep connective tissue through long, deep holds and leave you with a sense of deep relaxation. Yoga experience is required. Instructor: Susan Obieglo Tuesdays April 2 - August 27 7:30 - 8:45 pm Lewis Activity Room $6.75/drop-in



Look for the Evergreen symbol for 55+ classes. More information on page 94.

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