Spring Summer full guide


AROMATHERAPY & THE ESSENCE OF LOVE Explore Essential Oils and the passion they can bring to our awareness of love; self love, family love, friendships and intimacy. Create and take home your own blend. Topics include: Essential Oil Profiles, Safety, Di lution, Blending and Application. Taught by Deanna Papineau Registered Aromatherapist. Instructor: Deanna Papineau #13338 Thursday April 18 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Soroptomist Lounge $55 LEBANESE VEGETARIAN CUISINE Come and experience some of the sumptuous Middle Eastern recipes that Chef Sonja has collected. Learn how to make Falafel balls (baked), baba gha noush, tahini sauce and a lemon lentil hummus. As a side dish Sonja will offer Quinoa Tabouli salad, this is a modern adapta tion of a traditional recipe. We will assemble a classic falafel with salad mix & sauce in a pita. Enjoy a meal after the lesson. Bring some containers. Instructor: Sonja Limberger #13552 Friday April 5 6:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $85

AROMATHERAPY & HYDROSOLS 101 A deep dive into everything aro matherapy and hydrosol (flower waters). Topics include; Distilla tion, safety, internal use, topical use, blending and more! Instructor: Deanna Papineau, EOT Registered Aromatherapist. #13338 Thursday July 18 6:00 - 8:00 pm Filberg Soroptomist Lounge $55 Instructor: Sonja Limberger #13553 Wednesday April 17 6:00 - 9:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $85 VEGETARIAN RECIPES FROM AFRICA Chef Sonja invites you to learn how to make some appetiz ing African dishes. The recipes include a Tajine (a Moroccan stew with eggplant, apricots, and chickpeas), a West African sweet potato soup and a Moroccan couscous salad. There will be some hands on if you are so in clined. We will share a meal after the lesson.

Mindfulness in nature fosters a profound connection between individuals and the environment promoting mental and physical well-being. The sessions will inte grate both walking and seated meditation, seamlessly blending movement and stillness. Explor ing diverse ways to meditate and using nature elements as anchor, individuals embark on a journey of awareness, attuned to their surroundings. The embrace of the natural world nurtures a sense of calm, grounding individ uals in the beauty of the present moment. This invites introspec tion, deepening the connection between mind, body, and the surrounding natural realm. Instructor: Julie Blais #13598 Tuesdays April 23 - May 21 3:30 - 4:30 pm Simms Millenium Park $50/5 MINDFULNESS OF EATING ONE DAY WORKSHOP The workshop will promote nurturing a conscious approach to our relationship with food. The primary goal is to cultivate mindful eating habits, urging participants to pay full attention not only during meals but also in the preparation process, fos tering a heightened awareness of our senses. Some benefits include encouraging slower eat ing, aiding digestion and reduc ing issues such as bloating and indigestion. Instructor: Julie Blais #13599 Wednesday April 24 6:30 - 8:00 pm Lewis Salish Building $10


Submit your program idea to be considered in the Fall! See page 82 for details.


See page 93


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