Spring Summer full guide


& GAMES (8 - 15 years)

Get a chance to develop your basketball skills and techniques with other kids from the com munity! You’ll learn basic ball handling, passing and shooting skills, plus get the chance to put those skills into play through scrimmages. Tuesdays April 9 - June 11 #13686 3:30 - 4:30 pm (8 - 11 years) #13687 4:45 - 5:45 pm (12 - 15 years) Lewis MP Hall $99/10 Blue 42! This intro to flag foot ball will teach you the basic of fensive and defensive strategies, agility, how to hold and catch a football, different positions and football plays. Coached by our NCAA Division 1 football player instructor, Henry Kimmins, this program will emphasize sports manship, love of the game, and fair play. Wednesdays May 15 - June 19 #13938 4:45 - 5:45 pm (8 - 12 years) #13939 5:45 - 6:45 pm (13 - 16 years) Lewis Park Soccer Field 1 $59/6 FLAG FOOTBALL (8 - 16 years)


FIRST TEE (7 - 13 years)

In partnership with First Tee Canada, kids will play fun in teractive golf games to help develop golfing skills at a young age! Our coaches are certified and have been trained to help in player development. No experi ence needed. Saturdays April 6 - May 11 #13287 1:30 - 2:30 pm (7 - 9 years) #13286 2:30 - 3:30 pm (10 - 13 years) Lewis MP Hall $30/6 COUGARS TRACK & FIELD CAMP (8 - 12 years) Join us for some track & field fun this Spring Break! Learn to hur dle, throw a Javelin, reach new heights in High Jump, and much more. We cover most track & field events, always with a focus on skills, fitness, & fun. Ses sions are taught by experienced coaches and athletes from our local track club. Monday - Thursday SB

CHILDREN’S BEGINNER ARCHERY (7 - 10 years) Learn the basics of using a bow and arrow. Challenge yourself as you develop co-ordination, strength, a sharp eye, listening skills and more. You’ll gain an understanding of this fun, his torical sport! Saturdays April 6 - May 25


#13448 10:45 - 11:45 am #13449 12:00 - 1:00 pm Lewis MP Hall $79/8

SILLY SPORTS (K - 8 years)

LET’S PLAY! INTRO TO SPORTS (K - 8 years) Join our instructors as we

Dodgeball, Snake Baseball, tag games and more! Let’s get your heart pumping while playing with new friends. Prepare for some silly fun that will get you moving, using a variety of equipment and building on your fundamental physical literacy skills. #14080 Mondays May 27 - June 24

explore a variety of sports and get our bodies moving. We’ll try soccer, basketball, floor hockey and more as we make friends and develop our skills. Wednesdays

#14087 March 18 - 21 #14088 March 25 - 29

#13688 April 10 - May 8 #13689 May 15 - June 12 Lewis MP Hall $49/5

3:30 - 4:30 pm Lewis MP Hall $49/5

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Vanier Track $89/4

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