Full guide with cover.pdf

Byte Camp - 2D Animation on Tablet (9 - 12 years) Turn your drawing skills into awesome animation skills on our tablets! We’ll show you how to make beautiful animations as wild as your imagination. Partic ipants will learn to storyboard and use some advanced anima tion skills and principles to make their characters really come alive on the screen. Amaze your friends with the story you can draw in just a week! #15879 Tuesday - Friday August 5 - 8 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $340/4 Byte Camp - 2D Video Game Design (11 - 14 years) Learn how to build a 2D game from the ground up using Godot, an awesome free plat form for coding and launching games (think Python, but way more fun!) This is a coding camp, so be prepared to challenge yourself and learn some new skills. Time will be spent learn ing how to create advanced 2D vector artwork and animated character sprites to make your game look great. Some coding experience or Byte Camp’s - Intro to Coding is recommended as a prerequisite. #15881 Monday - Friday August 25 - 29

Courtenay Summer Daycamps

Specialty Camps

Byte Camp - Music Video Production (9 - 12 years)

Summer Sewing (9 - 11 years)

Learn basic sewing techniques with a needle and thread and with a sewing machine! You’ll create and sew several awesome keepsakes to make your sum mer special! Some fabric may be available for use but if you desire special fabric, a supply list will be provided. No class July 1. #16501 Monday &

Make your own music and music video! Camp time will be split between digital music FRPSRVLWLRQ YLGHR ȴOPLQJ DQG editing. Use amazing software tools to craft your very own song from scratch. We will show you the basics of beats, baselines, chords, and melodies so that your song will sound awesome. Experiment with video, special H΍HFWV DQG 7LN7RN VW\OH HGLWLQJ techniques to make your own video as cool as your tune. #15880 Monday - Friday July 14 - 18

Wednesday - Friday June 30 & July 2 - 4 9:00 - 11:30 am Lewis Craft Room A $135/4

Cartoons and Illustrations (10 - 12 years)

9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $395/5

9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $395/5

Develop and hone your cartooning and illustration talents through a YDULHW\ RI GL΍HUHQW H[HUFLVHV ZLWK 'LVQH\ &DUWRRQLVW 'DYLG 7KUDVKHU Use bold & beautiful colors to create your very own hand illustrated cartoons! Learn quick and easy techniques during this new summer R΍HULQJ #16448 Monday - Friday July 7 - 11 9:00 - 10:00 am Lewis Meeting Room $75/5

Want an easy way to plan your summer? See pages 86 - 87 for the Summer At A Glance planner

Courtenay Recreation | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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