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Courtenay Summer Daycamps
Quest (9 - 11 years)
Parktime (K - 7 years)
Discovery (7 - 9 years)
Join us for an exciting summer at Quest! You will explore, learn, and make new friends as we investigate our environment through games, activities, arts & crafts, team-building challenges outtrips and more! Get ready to embark on quests that challenge you to solve problems, work collaboratively, and explore your interests. Whether it’s discover ing local wildlife, participating in sports, or creating art projects, HYHU\RQH ZLOO ȴQG VRPHWKLQJ WR make summer special. No camp on July 1 or August 4. Monday - Friday #15888 June 30, July 2 - 4 *
Spend your warm summer weeks with us making new friends, exploring our surround ings, being creative with crafts and staying cool with water activities. We will go to a local beach and other fun outtrips around the Comox Valley each week. Participants must have ȴQLVKHG NLQGHUJDUWHQ RU EH 6 years of age to register. No camp on July 1 or August 4. Monday - Friday #15831 June 30, July 2 - 4 *
Adventures galore! Your summer full of never ending discoveries, excursions and games awaits! Venture to new places on our weekly outings, take a dip in the outdoor pool, explore local beaches and play interactive games that will leave you want ing more. No camp on July 1 or August 4. Monday - Friday #15840 June 30, July 2 - 4 *
#15841 July 7 - 11 #15842 July 14 - 18 #15843 July 21 - 25 #15844 July 28 - August 1 #15845 August 5 - 8* #15846 August 11 - 15 #15847 August 18 - 22 #15848 August 25 - 29
#15832 July 7 - 11 #15833 July 14 - 18 #15834 July 21 - 25 #15835 July 28 - August 1 #15836 August 5 - 8 * #15837 August 11 - 15 #15838 August 18 - 22 #15839 August 25 - 29
#15889 July 7 - 11 #15890 July 14 - 18 #15891 July 21 - 25 #15892 July 28 - August 1 #15893 August 5 - 8 * #15894 August 11 - 15 #15895 August 18 - 22 #15896 August 25 - 29
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Park Totem Poles $189/5 $150/4 *
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Park Totem Poles $189/5 $150/4 *
Want an easy way to plan your summer? See pages 86 - 87 for the Summer At A Glance planner
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Lewis Park Totem Poles $189/5 $150/4 *
KidsPlay (K - 12 years)
Need a little extra time in camp? KidsPlay is for children attending a registered daycamp program at the Lewis Centre, Lewis Park or LINC. This supervised, un structured playtime allows for DQ HDUO\ GURS R RU ODWH SLFN XS for camps starting at 9 am and ending at 4 pm. Pre-registration is required.
#15849 8:00 - 9:00 am #15850 4:00 - 5:00 pm $5/day
$20/5 day week $16/4 day week *
Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline
Summer Program Registration starts Monday April 28 See page 135
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